Ok, I went in last week for my 12 week u/s. I expected to see head, hands, heart, etc. We could barely see anything. The midwife said it looked like a blighted ovum (sac with no baby). However, it wasn't that because there were 2 yolk sacs present (twins). She called the Dr in and he did the u/s again (transvaginal). He said that it could be 1 of 3 things.
1-The baby quit growing at 5 weeks, ending in m/c.
2-I miscarried very early in my pregnancy and got pregnant again, and I am now 5 weeks pregnant with the 2nd pregnancy.
3-My dates are off or I ovulated later then I thought.
#3 is highly unlikley seeing that I tested positive 6/23. That would put me at the least 9 weeks. There is no way the measurements are off by 4 weeks.
I also have a tilted uterus...so that does make the dates off sometimes in the first trimester.
Please, if you have experienced this or know someone that has, leave me a little detail...more than just yes I have heard of it! I need encouragement!!!!
This is my 4th pregnancy...possibly 5th if #2 is right. I have never miscarried!