
Please tell me. which is worse?

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Ok theres a couple who was together for about 2 years and they broke up later the girl found out that through the whole relationship, the guy had watched pornography and lied about it even though he knew that the girl believes p**n is as bad as cheating and he swore through the relationship that he would never do that to her..... and the guy found out that she had kissed another guy twice, two days before they broke up... which one do you think is worse, the guy that lied through the whole relationship or the girl that kissed another guy two days before she broke up with him?




  1. they r both terrible. but i would have to say the 1st one because he did tht for 2 yrs. she just did something once and then made her decision to break up with him. at least she didnt lie for 2 yrs.

  2. How is watching pornography like cheating? We all fantasize, it's okay to fantasize. Your boyfriend is just doing what every normal person does. He fantasizes. So do you, don't even lie. Pornography just helps him expand his fantasies. Maybe you should talk to him. Pornography is all fantasy, he never really physically had s*x with the people in the pornography videos. Maybe you're just a bit overly jealous about the women in his fantasies because you believe they have better looking bodies than you do. Women get overly jealous because they think the women in p**n have perfect bodies which is not true. It's natural for women to get jealous when a man stares at another women. It's the same for women, they fantasize too. Why do you think women buy romance novels for? Because they fantasize about men too just in a different context. While women fantasize about men through books, men fantasize about women through p**n. It's probably better if you fulfill each others fantasies.

    Both were equally bad, you kissed another man, your boyfriend fantasized about the women of p**n. But overall, I think you did the worst, you PHYSICALLY kissed another man while your boyfriend just lied and fantasized about women and never actually did anything but the stuff that is running in his head.

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