
Plot to destroy the Storm??

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Ok correct me if I'm wrong but as of today the Melbourne Storm now have 10 players in Origin. Can you honestly say that all the melbourne players are the best at what they do, seriously, i mean great they're from a good team and all but are they really THE BEST?!? Don't get me wrong I support them and all but, I think this is a plot to destroy the Melbourne Storm personally. How is the team honestly supposed to play their best football when most, well nearly all the team, is busy with Origin??

Sorry for the rant but I'm a bit pissed off.

What are your thoughts?




  1. You are kidding aren't you? The Storm are reigning premiers and a leading team in this years premiership so of course they are going to provide a large number of players to Origin.

    How many times have the Broncos faced exactly what the Storm are going through? Almost every year of their existence. Why? Because they, like Storm, are a marquee team who attract or develop leading players in the NRL competition.

    There is no plot to 'destroy' Melbourne Storm. They are going to feel the pinch during the representative season because of the success in recent years and the ability of their players.

  2. No there is no plot. Eight of the players selected from the Storm deserve to be there because they are the best available in their positions for the particular states. The other two Anthony Quinn and Steve Turner are their because Craig Bellamy is the NSW coach and has more say in selections than any selector. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that either player doesn't deserve to be there ( Quinn certainly showed he was up to it in origin 1 ) just saying that neither Quinn in game 1 or now Turner in game 2 would have made it without their coach pushing for them. So don't be pissed off, as a previous contributer said, players tend to become better as a result of the origin experience, that being the case and given my observations re Quinn and Turner perhaps there is a conspiracy, but one designed to make the Storm even more formidable. So, yeah as per another comment made earlier perhaps current NRL coach's should be barred from coaching Origin teams.

  3. Storm supporter here and I agree.. but then i disagree... they've chosen Storm players because they think they're worthy of it... but we have 3 guys left in the squad who play on our regular line up... Honestly we kinda got no hope on the weekend but i'm HOPEFUL we can pull something out of our a.s.s and win...

    Atleast it shows how much talent we got I suppose...

    ♥ Storm Girl ♥

  4. yeh i think its just stupid..michael crocker?brett white?  they were thinkin about cronk when thurston was unsure of playing and now steve turner! they won the comp last year fair enough but this is crazy now..

  5. Same thing happened for years and years with the Broncos. So stop getting paranoid - unless you have only watched League for about 2 years - you would know what you are saying is rubbish.

    Just take 1993 - there entire backline for the Broncos played in origin O'Neil, Hancock, Renouf, Johns (for NSW), Carne, Walters, Langer - plus forwards Lazarus (NSW), Gillmeister, Cann, Hohn and Currie (and I think the hooker Walters was on the bench). And you know what - they won the GF 28-8 over St George

  6. Well, if the Storm do win this week, won't it be a even better win, knowing that they have an understrength team?

  7. Its been happening for years at Brisbane

    i say they should put the state of origin on a stand alone weekend where no games are played

  8. remember the" baby broncos" well thats wot is happening to the storm at the moment.they have a lot of talent down there so it stands to reason the amount of players in some of the others have said its been a major part of the broncos for years. get rid of club games and have the origin over 3 weeks.

  9. Steve Turner.........Belamey must of asked for him because he is not an origin player... The rest though have earned a spot.

  10. Yea there should not be any NRL games played on the origin week and the state of origin games should be played on the wkd. Teams like the Storm and the Broncos r highly disadvantaged

  11. personal i hate the storm they dont deserve to be in the comp(victorians) dont watch league so WHY have a team down there. bring back the bears

  12. Craig Bellamy is the one destroying the Storm, maybe you should question his allegiance to the Storm! He has picked his favourites to play for NSW and has shown comprehensively how to dismantle his star players in the Qld team!

    Perhaps club coaches shouldn't coach origin?

  13. i hate the storm but maybe thats cos im still thinking about the grandfinal last year

    but i really think it is a bit stupid when like half there team is playing in the state of origin ofcourse its a big deal playing rep footy but they should be more concerned playing with the storm...

  14. this has been happening to the broncos for years, this week they will be missing 6! and it will continue to happen to any successful team, and that's were the argument for stand alone origin games comes in! (have origin only, no club games that week)

    but then on the other hand players seasons become longer and they will whinge about that and also channel 9 and fox sports will jump up and down coz there will be no footy to show on the weekend so they cant get high ratings which leads to less revenue for them, and remember they pump millions of dollars into the sport so you need to keep them happy or they will take there money and run!

    so your sort of dammed if you do and dammed if you don't!

    EDIT...... is it just a coincidence that both the storm and broncos are owned by news limited? and they provide the majority of players for origin and test matches?

  15. Its a simple answer of no, 10 players and a coach do seem alot but there are a few reasons for my answer... but the way i understand it is... that it's one of every players goals to play origin (perhaps most, i shouldn't generalise), But I believe that players would have spoken publically about any hinderance they think this aspect of the game has to one of there other goals (being the premiership)... The main reason alot of players even have origin as a goal is Self Improvement... (Sonny B Williams spoke of this in an interview and said that one of the disappointments of him being disallowed to play origin was because of the improvement he saw in players once they had returned from the 3 games) If this truely is the case and that all players get better because of this (which i think is truthful beyond a doubt) then there is no plot to destroy the Storm but could even be the beginning of an more improved Melbourne side...

  16. 10 players because Melbourne have been the best team the last 3 years

    no plot just the nrl inability to run a fair draw

    weekend origin has to happen

    10 players out storm will lose by 40 to the titans

    not fair!!!

  17. Yes, they should close up shop and move the storm to the Central Coast of NSW where they are needed.

  18. LMAO... omg... where is the staple gun... my sides are splitting. Evidently you are either a) new to the game, b) mentally retarded or c) well i couldn't be bothered poking more fun.

    The AFL is the only group interested in the demise of the Storm. So the Storm are recruiting well and have some of the best players going around... the Broncos had the same problem in the past and i can tell you that its all part of the game... you get good players, you have to expect to lose them for Origin and Tests. If the Storm has no depth, then that is your problem... but please stop talking crazy.

  19. there should be a cap on how many player can be picked from one team,we may not get the best of the best but lets face it clubs are the ones that pay the players and it is unfare to supporters of these clubs to only have half a team,as a rooster supporter i am happy that we only have 4 players out,

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