
Plz daddy drama?

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ok so im almost 6 months pregnant and my baby daddy seems to be distant sometimes he has always had his little moods so i dont know wat to think but thats not my only problem..when the baby is born his mom wants me to leave the baby with her for a night or two im guessing because she is jealous that my parents will see the baby more than her..i still live with my parents and im only 18..but i dont like the fact of leaving my kid especially a newborn sumwhere where i cant be to watch him. i tried to talk to my baby daddy about getting an appartment together but he thinks it wont work out and instead he is living with his friend..somebody please help me im soo confused and just the thought of this hurts because i dont want my kid to grow up hoping from house to house




  1. You are the mom, his mom can tell you to leave the baby there with her couple of times but in the end you are the mother and ONLY YOU make that decision.

    If he is acting like this already and he already told you that he doesnt think it will work out than why bother with him. You have the love and support of your parents and s***w anyone else.

  2. let me tell u something k mom passed away when i was only 5 months pregnant soo she wasnt there to guide me in my decisions..i was living with my fiance's aunt at the time ((now demoted to bf)) and his parents lived an hour away soo 2 weeks go by with my new baby boy who is now 16 months old and they tell me that they want him for a nite saying that they havent got to spend alot of time with him and they want to give us a nite off and thats where it caught me and i fell into something i wish i could take this day they still think it is ok to take him whenever they please that they have more opinion over him than what i give them credit for.. he now goes every weekend and i only wish that i would have standed my ground and kept my guy with me..cuz once u do it  it is a hard habit to kick u get used to having that time to urself ecspecially cuz i was only 20 and it is nice i will tell u but guess what happens..grandparents start to feel like parents and let it go to their head and that is prolly the worst thing..stay strong hun all u need is u and ur baby and ur family to back u up..dont chase after ur guy it is not even worth it u will waste much more happy times for sad depressing ones..let him come to u he will realize how much he needs u and baby in his life and if he doesnt he is an honest to god idiot cuz there is nothing better than family..good luck and i hoped i helped just a little bit..if u ever need nething feel free to email me at or message me on

    ps dont give ur baby up for nobody dont let them boss u excuses!! ur mommy u got the most power soo use it!

  3. One thing you never want to do is leave a new born with anybody not even your own parents without you being there! I dont know if this is your first kid, but just know one thing your baby is going to need you 24/7 for awhile and with everything in the news about child abuse by babysitters I wouldnt trust anybody. If your not there you will wonder whats going on, your the babies only protector!

  4. regardless of the fact that she is his mom don't leave your newborn baby with her especially if you are breastfeeding that won't work. you are the mom it is your baby if you aren't comfortable don't do it, as a mother she should understand. i hope everything works out. as for the guy give him some time to adjust and you never know what may happen.

  5. What Makayla said.  Plus don't pressure your b/f to live together or for anything. You may have to raise your baby without him. I'm sure right now you don't want that but it may be a blessing in disguise. I wish you and baby to be the best.


  7. That baby is yours! You won't have to give it to anyone overnight. If you give it to her now, so early after birth you are being controlled by her. Do not fall for that. You are the mom you decide where baby goes and when! OMG that's not even close to right! Stay living at home, with your parents and let your baby's father visit when it suits all involved. Keep your baby with you, his mother can visit you at your house, with your parents there too. What do your parents think about all this? Will your parents lets him live with you?

    Good Luck!

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