
Plz help guys and girls???!!?

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My ex and I split up 1 year ago. We were together for 4 years and during the last year things were really bad between us and he ended up cheating on me.

Anyway, he got in touch last week and said that he really wants to see me, to go for a drink and catch up.

I feel like I want to just to see how he is.

Is this a bad idea because he cheated on me?

I fell out of love with him during our relationship so when I broke up with him, I was fine.

What should I do? Thanks




  1. just be friends... if he wants more (like s*x) say no... :D and see how long he stays around then... ;)

  2. duh! A drink? he wants to cheat on his new G/F with you. that's a very dumb idea which will s***w your mind up again. Be strong I'm sure you both had many different relationship during this time. why would you want to go backwards?

  3. Ive been in your situation. I broke up witha girl, stayed away from her, met with her and wanted her back, do not do what i did!

  4. Theres no harm in going for a drink. Nothing has to come of it. Go for it if it's what you want. After all, it's only innocent and he may have something to say. He could be having trouble getting over things and this might be what he needs. Just be mature and adult about things. Nothing has to happen if you don't want it to. Just be in control of the situation.

    Good luck x

  5. i don't see why you shouldn't go. if your not in love then tour just going out with mates, but if he still loves you then it gets complicated. just do what feels right, only you know how feel about him.

    hope this helps.  

  6. Once a guy strays he's not worth the play same goes for women

  7. i say give him a chance, just as friends. and dont let him do anything more. he probably grew up since then..

  8. i would go out for drinks just to catch up but if he tried to bring back an old flame i would let him know what you just told us

  9. you could just go out as friends with him and see how hes been harm in that

  10. Let me tell you a little something about men.  If an old boyfriend calls you up out of the blue saying he just wants to "catch up", its not true.  He almost certainly wants to test the waters and see if you want to get back together.  That, or hes just looking for some action.  I'm guessing that things aren't exactly working out with his current relationship if hes calling up ex girlfriends for drinks.  Either that or he doesn't have a current relationship and hes getting "lonely".  Personally, I would say that since the last year was so bad and he even cheated on you, don't give him the time of day.  Its over and you know why it didn't work out.  Move on and find a new guy who will repsect you.  Hey I'm single!  ;-)

  11. Go for it. you never know if you still have feelings for the person or not. The date will ether confirm or deny that you belong  

  12. what you could do is just go and meet up with him but if he mentions anything about getting back with him, tell him no. tell him you can just be friends with him, that way you can find out how is as friends and live on with your life :) :)

  13. Well, he is obviously trying to get you back. Don't let it happen if you don't want it.

  14. Don't do it just leave well enough alone.

    I mean it has been a year and you don't want to take a chance of falling back into it.

    I have been through a situation similar to that and it sucks we were together for 2 years and he cheated on me then we separated and I got on with my life.

    Well we had no contact and finally we ended up meeting up and started talking again as friends. We eventually got back together and he cheated again.

    Don't if he is out of your life then leave him there.

  15. Naah Naah, he cheated on you, that's the most disrespectful thing you could do to your partner in a relationship. If your meeting him, i hope you have a ski mask and a shot gun to sort this m**o out

  16. well think of it like this its ok to go out and just talk just know and i really don't like when people say we can be friends with your ex if you label your guy your bf and you break up how do you become friends with that person obvisouly if you broke up it was a reason usually bad so you think of it like this you want to move forward in your relationship not backwards this how it sounds we bf and gf now we are friends see that skips a step and thats kind of weird don't you think but to answer your question its fine if you out of love with him but far as becoming buddys you might wanna re think that its either your my bf or not thats how it should be looked at but for as catching up just talking its ok  

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