
Plz help me! im 16 !?

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my last period was august the 4th -7th

me and my boyfriend have had s*x on the 14th,21st,26th,27th and 28th

we havnt used any protection except the pull out method

he cumed in me on the 14th and 26th

what are the chances of me being pregnant?

would any syptoms be showing by now because i have sore nipples and wee alot

if so when would i have concieved?

and what should i do about it

me and my boyfriend are both 16




  1. you would have been ovulating about the 18th give or take a day.  So there is a good change that you could have conceived.  Why in the world would you not use protection.  You are too yound to be so careless with your life.  Conception is just one thing you should be worried about.  If your smart and mature enough to have s*x be mature enough to do it responsably.  

  2. You need to take a test. If you're lucky and you're not pregnant then you need to get on birth control ASAP,or stop having s*x. If you're naive enough to think that the pull out method works, then you really shouldn't be sleeping with your boyfriend. But take a test, then you need to think about where to go from there.

  3. Take a pregnancy test now.

    Even if it's negative, wait a few weeks and take another.

    And buy some condoms!

  4. Chances are high. get a pregnancy test at shoppers drug mart and do a test. if it shows negative than you may have to try again in a month. if it is positive than you are 100% pregnant. Good luck with that.  

  5. Actually when you get pregnant in the first 3 day's you feel kind of sick .

    You should of thought about that before you had s*x . If you are pregnant i bet you're boy friends will break up with you.  

  6. Ok. First of all, that "method" if i can even call it that DOES NOT WORK. Whoever thought of it must have been on some hard crack.

    The chances of your pregnancy is high. Why didn't you use protection? Method or no method, better safe then sorry...

  7. You're pregnant... go take a test.

  8. it is a very good chance that you are pregnant.

  9. You can get pregnant 20 days after your period- so get a test!  

  10. The 'pull out method' NEVER works.

    I wish kiddies would understand that.

    And take a test.

    We're not the test, so we can't help you.

  11. I would definitely go take a pregnancy test! Never have s*x without a condom and  the pull out method is the worst birth control method unless you wouldnt mind getting pregnant, but at 16, i sure hope you dont want to be a mom. You should also take plan B it is within the 72 hr range. Good luck and if you thankfully arnt pregnant, remember that using a condom not only prevents pregnancy but also STDs.

  12. ok... ok....ok I have heard that 14 days after your period is the most fertile time, now you can get prego any time. Girls have gotten prego on there period. Now on the syptoms thing all pregnancies are different, I was 6 weeks in when I start to get sick. If you have any more questions you can email me, at :)

  13. wait till late september

  14. You probably can not take a test until around the time you are supposed to get your period. You can conceive at anytime and the pull-out method is not a good method. Even before a man (releases) he leaks s***n the whole time. If you are not pregnant and plan on continuing to have s*x I would recommend birth control. You are really young to be having this kind of trauma. Just enjoy being a kid while you can.

  15. Well take a first response pregnancy test this weekend, it's supose to detect pregnancy 5 days before you miss your period. I don't think it was smart to have s*x without protection but I'm not going to preach at you. I'm 17, and the most you can do, if you haven't actually missed your time yet is to take the first response. If that comes back positive, then tell your parents, if not, then don't tell them and be safer next time.

  16. "pull out method" never works! You could be pregnant! I hope you aren't but from now on use protection! If you are not old enough to have a baby then you are not old enough to have s*x!  

  17. First: stop having s*x so much(Im not going to say youre too young, Im just saying youre putting out a lot to that guy)

    Second:Pull out Method is never effective,some stupid person just said you should do that.When everyone knows thats theres prec-um on him already and thats how you get pregnant

    Third:get a home pregnancy test and find out for yourself

    Last: if youre really pregnant,tell your parents, find out what youre going to do about it, and find a job
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