
Plz help my rats!?

by  |  earlier

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Plz help! my rats were just plaing, and i had some old COLD wax (from candles) on my desk (it must have dripped off the candles) AND My poor boys EATS SOME! plz help me! i cnt take them 2 the vets as no vets are specilised to see rats round were i live...plz help! IM BEGGIN U! I LOVE MY RATS! thanks




  1. Rats actually have very strong stomaches contrary to popular belief. If your rats only ate a bit, I wouldn't worry much. Keep a close eye on them for a day or two and if they start showing symptoms of diahrrea, soft f***s, or abnormal discoloration in their p**p, than I would advise you to have them checked by a vet. If they seem fine over the next day or two, than they obviously did not eat enough wax to hurt them. Hope I helped you and goodluck!

  2. ewww u keep rats as pets?

  3. More than likely it won't hurt them unless they ate a ton of it. I catch my rats eating weird stuff all the time, most recently a bee carcass. Rats are omnivores, and as such have cast iron stomachs. If they start exhibiting symptoms like they might be sick, then take them to the vet. I think they will be fine though.

  4. theyll be mice wen i first had them tried to chew the rubber c**p on the sides of the tank to get out but they r both fine. some candle wax wont hurt them.if u still dont no then just keep watching them if they act any diff then ask someone u no about them.

  5. Just keep an eye on them.

    Hannah eeeewww you don't have a life yuuuk.

    Rats are beautiful animals, unlike you. =/ =']

    Kate xx
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