
Pocket money for teenagers

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We're reviewing our 17 year old daughter's pocket money. Teenagers (or parents of teenagers) - what's the going rate these days? In Australia, that is.




  1. I strongly believe that children should only be paid pocket money if they help Mum & Dad around the house

    :-)  Call me old-fashioned

    Even little chores inbetween school work will help you out and will teach her that she can't just ask for money for the neverending gravy train

    I'd say $12-$15   but would be interesting to hear what others state

    All The Best


  2. uhhhh, pocket money at 17? It's called a job

  3. probably $15 - $20  

  4. I never had pocket money lol. We had food on the table and clothes on our back. If i need money I went and worked. I knew my parents didn't have it. So I say they get how ever much they earn. I don't believe kids should be paid for house hold chores. That's their home they should take care of it and not expect to get paid for it. SO I say tell them to go mow lawns or clean a house or rack leaves if they need money. Now if its a movie and you guys have it then yeah every now and then give them the money. But make your kids know how the real world is going to work.

  5. Well i believe 40 dollars is good because at that age it simply isnt enough to do things, i use to get 15 dollars and it seemed like i couldnt do anything with my friends. I believe also that u have to teach your child to save. Its good for when he is older. Ask him what he'd like to do such as go to a theme park, and say "with your pocket money ill add an extra 10 a week if you save, do that for big things, it helps him have that method so he can save when he is older for example for a house. Make sure she earns it though, gt her to help you cook, wash dishes, hang washing on the line, basic stuff. If u clean up after her all the time you will just create ur daughter to be lazy as there is nothing to pick up after.

  6. I agree with Ulka (above) 100%.

  7. At 17 she is be old enough to get a part time job and not need mum and dad's pocket money. I think no more than $10 a week but if it was up to me she would be earning her money out in the real world.

  8. ah 14...and i have a job and if i do all my house chores i get $20 a week...and extra depending on how much work i actually do.

    im in Austraila and thats just how my parents work it.

    but keeping that in mind, my brother who is 17 and doesnt have a job gets NOTHING!, any work he does around the house is too keep him living parents wont give him money untill he is earning some of his own. my younger brother who is 12 gets $10 a week plus extra depending on how much he does.

    hope i helped!

  9. Dont have a clue about Australia. I get £60 a month in the UK along with other money when i need it.

  10. At 17, I got $40 a week from my parents (about 5 years ago), BUT I did a lot of housework to earn it.

    I did all of the household ironing, I dried the dished for my mum every night, I cleaned my room once a week, I vacuumed the house and mopped the floors on the weekend.

    So I did my bit to earn the $80 a fortnight.

  11. At 17, a teenager should be earning pocket money by having a part time job.

  12. I get 32 dollars but i get extra anyway i would probably give her about $50 but make her do her chores

  13. I don't have kids yet. but with the cost of things nowadays, it would be more and more every year. I would only give pocket money if have done all thier chores for the week. and i'd say about $15- 20 a week is plenty. they have enough for movies and dinner on the weekend, if they want to go out with friends.

  14. err...i'm kinda poor so i don't get pocket money (i'm 14) and social outing are pretty rare because my friends are busy but i usually get like 50 bucks if i go to the shops and see a movie. probably 20-30 without the movie thing lol

  15. I think that $20 is more than enough. When I was a teenagers (about 8yrs ago) mum didn't have much money to give us every week, we only got about $5, but when we wanted to go to the movies or a little bit of spending money to go out with friends mum gave us about $20. I understood that we were not rich, but I never felt deprived. What does a teenager need that you don't already buy for them anyway. These days when teens ask their parent to buy a Cd, an Ipod, clothes etc... Parents buy them all that anyway, so why give them even more money that they only end up spending on stuff they don't even need, they just spend it because they got it. How much you give is how much they will spend, they will always want more anyway.  

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