
Pointe Problem.....?

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I am 12 years old and my mom doesn' think my feet have stopped growing yet. Because of this my mom doesn't thinks i should go en pointe. I will only be dancing 2 times a week for 1 hour in pointe shoes and my ballet teacher says that i am strong enough. How can i convince her that i wont get hurt and that i am ready?




  1. Have you considered that your mum might not let you go on pointe not because of the cost of the shoes? Pointe shoes are really expensive and they have to fit your feet exactly. If your feet are still growing then you may need to buy new shoes before you have finished with them.

    If your mum is apprehensive because she thinks you might get hurt, then maybe ask your dance teacher if she could talk to your mum about it. Your dance teacher would have already gone through many years of pupils en pointe and would possibly have had the experience of this problem before.

    Good Luck!

  2. okay well first of all i think that you should have your feet x-rayed to make sure that the growth plates in your foot are absolutely finished growing. most people don't realize the harm they do to their feet when the do pointe and aren't ready. and even though your teacher says your strong enough to go en pointe, doesn't mean she can see whats going on inside your feet. i think your mom is right, you should go get your feet checked out and if your feet are for sure done growing then it will be a good idea to do pointe.

  3. your feet will grow it wont afect your pointe work though you jus thave to get a bigger size pointe shoe when the others get really uncomfortable. you ankles are strong and thats what matters =] your mom probably doesnt know about pointe dont trust her on this trust your dance teacher!

  4. If your ballet teacher thinks you're ready, then maybe have her talk to your mom about it. She may be able to convince her better than you can.

    The only real disadvantage to getting pointe shoes while your feet are still growing is that you'll have to replace them more often and that can get expensive.

  5. Well get your teacher to talk to her, I never had that problem so thats the best thing that I can tell you but I mean I when on pointe when I was 12 and it was the start of my first year but my mom knew that I had done soccer for 6 years so i was really strong so. Good Luck though!

  6. I started point when I was ten years old and I have never had any feet problems. The fact that your feet haven't stopped growing doesn't affect your ability to dance when on point all that matters is how strong your feet are. Try talking to your doctor, while your doctor may be hesitant most will agree that it is fine for you to go on point.

  7. i would wait untill ur feet stop growing my old teacher was put on pointe before hers did and it messes up her feet up so bad she had to have sugeries and was never able to do pointe again

  8. I started pointe when I was nine, because that is the scientific age that our bones harden. It is perfectly safe by age ten. And if your teacher thinks your ready, you should give it a shot, but take is slow. Don't go right into intensive pointe classes.

  9. have ur mom talk 2 ur dance teacher after a class, tell ur teacher what the problem is and im shure that he\she will b glad 2 talk 2 ur mom

    also, let ur mom understand what a big deal it is 2 be ready 4 pointe, rly talk 2 her and maybe she will break
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