
Poison ivy down below?

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A friend of mine just called me and wanted to know if it's possible to get poison ivy on her v****a. She said her husband had poison ivy but she hadn't noticed it and he well........u know. Anyway she's freaking out (and she is a total hypochondriac anyway) and wants to know is it possible and is it harmful.




  1. Sounds more like Candida than Poison Ivy to me, either way, your friend should call her doctor if the rash is in on her genital area. Tell her to get treatment as soon as possible.

  2. First of all....the v****a is inside the female body: its the tube that connects the v***a with the uterus (or leads to the uterus, actually) If she has poison ivy in the v****a or thinks she does, it might be something else because it wouldn't be the most easiest place to get it; if its on her v***a, or labia, or perineum (all outside parts of the female anatomy) its possible, and she should see a physician. She probably could use some hydrocortisone cream to relieve the itching, but may need something stronger...

  3. Yes, it's possible.

    She should see her doctor.

  4. Yikes!

    That must be uncomfortable.  She should go see a doctor and get some really good medicine to cure that asap.

  5. If hubbies been rooting ivy and her names mable she best go to a doc and get a std check and not be so gulible then kick him out if its a positive test

  6. I have know idea, but can you supply photos of the area concerned

  7. i think it is you with the posion puzzy

    just put some of that chamline (spelling i know) lotion on it and do not scratch.

    gl i feel for you

  8. Her husband could have passed it on to her. Some people are super-sensitive to poison ivy. If she starts scratching she could spread it everywhere. Tell her to go to the doctor. There is a shot you can get if that's what it is, and it will help immensely. I have had it from head to toe, and it's just unbearable. It shouldn't do any harm. Just drive her nuts. Tell your friend we wish her well. And stay away from hubby for awhile. :-)
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