
Pokemon Questions regarding games?

by  |  earlier

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first off,

what's with the GBA link to DS? my brother has a Venasaur on pkmn FR, could he take it to any pkmn DS game? if so, is there any flaws or whatnot?

second, why in pokemon diamond and pearl is the Lucas (the male) wearing what looks like an artist's hat from france?

third can you instantly trade from the begginning of FireRed to LeafGreen

and can you instantly trade from the begginning of FireRed/LeafGreen to Diamond/Pearl?

please answer what you know... thanks




  1. 1. that is called migrating. migrating is when you transfer 6 pokemon to pal park. You can do this after getting the national dex.

    2. well I'm not sure about that because it is the pokemon makers who design the characters. It looks kinda good on Lucas anyway., you must obtain the pokedex first and have at least 2 pokemon

    4. as i said before, it is called migrating. you can't migrate at the beggining. you must have 6 pokemon in you pc.

    oh yeah, forgot to tell yeh, you can only migrate once every 24 hours.

    Have a good time playing!

  2. I know the answer to the first question. If you get kind of far in the DS game you can put the GBA game in the other slot and choose to migrate, then those six pokemon will be in a park. ( Sorry I forget what it's called. )

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