
Police Background Investigators.......PLZ HELP!

by  |  earlier

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I was accused of making a racial comment by an ex-co-worker....THING IS, I NEVER DID!!!! We worked fine together before she made the aligation and we worked fine after, I didnt not hold anything against her. I was never disciplined, never written up or anything by the employer. How damaging is this to my background for a police department in CA???? Help me plz!




  1. LOL unless you were charged by the police with comitting a hate crime I doubt the police know anything about it, relax.

  2. I don't think it will be damaging at all if you did not get disciplined then I would not worry about it!

  3. Your question is confusing. Have you already been interviewed by police?

    Are you going to court?    

  4. ok worst case scenario you will be labled as a racist but you did nothing legally wrong. they cant do anything especially since no ticket or punishment was give at the alleged time of the incident so i think you're in the clear. was the person black or mexican cause that actually makes a difference.

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