
Police jobs on force

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do police have to remember every street when there called to a location..sometimes i wonder how they get there quick and all..

or is something in the car telling them when to make the turn like a gps??

if u know leave a answer thanx




  1. I would say they would have to have a good memory if this was the 60's or 70's but todays modern cops have computer's equiped with GPS so when they get a call the location pops up on their GPS.

  2. Not at all. I have a book like a thompson map inside my car. On the other hand you work the same area 40 hours a week so you pretty much get to know your areas.

  3. Seeing as not all departments function the same way, some do have on board computers that can have the ability to give a location and directions.  They may also have maps, of books with neighborhoods.  I've even seen some cruisers with GPS modules too.  For the most part though, its mostly done by memory.  Usually a police officer will be tested during their probationary period with the department on this very topic.

  4. Depending on where you work there are various options to get where you need to go.  The mainstays are on board computers, easy find map books and the main dispatchers.

    If you're in a city that has  you working a specific area or zone you get quite familiar with your area and can get somewhere pretty quickly.

  5. My town is only about 13 thousand people. I was born here so knowing the town and streets was easy. Some newer guys from out of town learned easy enough since our police were not forced to be in one sector or section of town. We rotated and it was to their advantage ot learn the whole town. Keep in mind, the whole town is probably only about 6 square miles.

    Most new officers will be with a training officer and will get to know their zone soon enough. but currently on-board computers help along with computer aided dispatch with call tracking and car tracking helps a lot.
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