
Poll: Do You Like Girls With....?

by  |  earlier

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Blond, Black, Red, or Brown Hair?

I Would Have To Say Black Truns Me On.

Black Hair Is Sooooo s**y.




  1. I would have to say brown hair.  

  2. I don't like women BUT....

    guys with black hair rule....


  3. I Seem To Be Involved With Ladies With The Brown Hair.

  4. It really does not really matter as long as the drapes match the carpet.  Though if one looks at my past lovers, raven haired beauties would be predominant.

  5. yes, yes, yes, and........yes.

  6. Well I'm a girl but w.e. I like black hair (namely because I have it at the moment LOL)

  7. I like boys with black or brown hair.

  8. i'm not L*****n but i have to say black hair on a guy is s**y.

  9. personally, I don't like girls. But I like brunett boys if that helps...

  10. Yes.

  11. Dude, I totally like girls with blond, black, red or brown hair.  How did you know?

  12. I don't like girls.... :P

  13. I like dark hair on men. Just sayin'

  14. blonde hair and big b***s

  15. Red all the way!

  16. I have the perfect girl for you. =)

  17. I can't tell their real hair color anymore.

  18. I like them with black hair.

    something mysterious about it.

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