
Poll: Do You Like To BraG..?

by  |  earlier

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..about yourself, life, job,etc...?




  1. no. i cant stand braggers.

  2. yep!

  3. Sometimes I'll brag about my Playstation 3, or my Cat, but noone really cares. Seeing that those aren't much to brag about....except for my cat, that is AWESOME!

  4. A little. Sometimes. OK FINE I LIKE TO SOMETIMES!!!

    To The Joker: You remind me of my father. I hated my father.  

  5. i wouldn't say i like to, sometimes i just kid around & brag. and other times, it just comes out. (x

  6. no but i do it anyway! Loool...

  7. Sometimes Yes..Can't seem to help it.. :-)

  8. no i hate it when people do too

  9. nope.. i don't brag.. most of the time i just say that i look ugly and stuff like that!! But i like to admire people.. say that they're pretty and thin.. stuff like that..

    Please answer mine too:

  10. i try not to but yea

  11. Yepp. I like to brag about my looks. =)

    ~Have a great day~

  12. My friends know I'm awesome without me having to tell them. They tell other people for me.

  13. Yeah, pretty much everything.

    Apartment, Job, Bike, Wealth, Looks.

    I brag about my Cat too!

  14. I hate the word brag because it means "tooting your own horn" but when talking about my husband or our business I could see how someone thought I was "braggin".  I'm just proud of both.

  15. I just tell the truth if someone asks.  If they think I am bragging. they are just jealous.

  16. No i actually don't...

  17. yes ma'am I do and I do it all the time and my friends get tired of me bragging so they always say Nicl brags 2 much lets get 2 pay for our food.

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