
Poll: GBLT and politics?

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I'm just curious but how does everyone identify him/herself politically?

Since all four candidates are relatively on the same page when it comes to g*y rights, I figured I would leave an open discussion. I believe it's been proven that the g*y community is predominantly democratic but I know there's a g*y republican or two out there.

Share your thoughts? Also, what g*y related issues would you like to see Obama/Biden and Mccain/Palin fight for? Palin is surprisingly not as anti-g*y as Mccain (probably because she is a LOT younger) and I sometimes know if Obama is or isn't homophobic because he's so wishy washy. Here's some more info on the candidates:




  1. im a Liberal/Democrat

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœWhile we have come a long way since the Stonewall riots in 1969, we still have a lot of work to do. Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans. It’s about whether this nation is going to live up to its founding promise of equality by treating all its citizens with dignity and respect.”

    — Senator Barack Obama

    funny..i count find what mccain thought about lgbt rights on his page......i winder why.(sarcasm yes of course)

    my vote is going to obama.hes way better than mccain and his vp.

  2. Obama. He wants to eradicate DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act signed into law by Bill Clinton) and he's liberal. Nothing would get done with conservatives concerning g*y rights. Think about it, which two states legalized g*y marriage first? Red ones or blue? That's what I thought.

    Obama all the way. My first election (I turned 18 this year) will go down in history for either electing the first black president or the first white female VP.

    However, I would much prefer the former.

    I'm a registered Democrat and I'm liberal.

  3. I'm a true conservative, not one of these Newt Gingrich/Mike Huckabee clones that spout idiotic talking points. I am seemingly the lone wolf in my group of friends because all of them are Democrats and many of them are liberals. The difference between a true conservative and a pseudo conservative is that we will not only respect the right of liberals to believe as they do, we will support and if necessary, fight for their right to speak and believe as they will. The key element here is respect for one another in spite of our differences. We're all human beings for crying out loud. As to g*y specific issues, I'd like the ability to marry my partner and have it be legally recognized. I love him as much as my Dad loves my Mom and the law should recognize that. As to the idiot DOMA laws - it's ironic to me that those laws were written, voted upon and signed by the very people that marriage SHOULD be protected from - trial lawyers and the government.  

  4. I am a Fiscal Conservative and a Social Liberal who previously supported Hillary Clinton. I have been registered as both Republican and Democrat in order to vote in primary elections, but identify as an Independent. I am currently an undecided voter.

    I support a strong military and the war in Afghanistan, but have never supported the war in Iraq.

    I do not like abortion and believe that there should be contraceptive education in addition to abstinence education, but also believe that abortion is between a woman and her medical provider and the government should not be involved besides the regular licensing of physicians.

    I think that further oil exploration, with no immediate benefit for at least 10 years, is not the solution. Hydrogen cars are viable and already being built. Wind power is a renewable natural resource. Existing oil output in the United States would make the US self sufficient, with the oil being mostly used for home heating fuel during winter months.

    I only support free trade treaties with the neighboring countries the US shares a border with (Canada & Mexico), and think NAFTA should be reviewed and possibly amended.

    I am for stronger border controls and against illegal immigration, but think existing immigration policies should be reviewed so they do not favor immigrants from certain counties at an advantage over immigrants from another country (such as Latin American countries).

    I believe in the 2nd amendment and a persons right to own guns as long as they have passed a criminal background check, have been trained to properly use a gun, and the gun is sold with a child safety lock.

    I support a government health care policy that affords minimal health care to all its citizens, with the purchase of additional health care from a private insurer being an option.

    I think that drugs that require a prescription should not be allowed to advertise on television, just as cigarettes are not allowed to be advertised on television.

    I support real campaign finance reform that includes "issue" groups.

    I support complete tax reform that includes abolishment of the I.R.S. with a graduated tax rate without deductions that grants tax relief for the lower and middle class with non-monetary perks given to executives becoming taxable.

    ... and I support the inclusion of LGBT people in existing hate crime laws, passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and federal recognition of same-s*x marriage.

  5. I tend to follow the candidate who is the most liberal, whoever that may be at the time. I don't follow any particular political group, because I don't believe that I should limit myself to whom it is that I want to vote for.

    I  tend to like the independent candidate the best, however, America seems to be set on the idea that only Republicans and Democratic candidates are the ones who matter (how sad). This year, I'm not leaning toward many of the independent candidates.

    The g*y issues: I'd like to see equal rights across the board. I'd like to see whomever fight for us as humans who have the same emotions, feelings, and dreams as any straight person.

    I guess I'm leaning more toward Obama at the moment. However, I'm not entirely fond of any of the candidates. You never know what is lip service and what is not until they get into office. I hate that about politics. The integrity is lacking on both sides of the coin.

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