
Poll :Have you noticed ?

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The amount of Lords, Mr's, Ladies, Dukes, Earls, Sir's and Counts that are using YA ? As I am royalty, I like seeing my friends on here. How do you feel about this ? Are you worried we may take over YA and rename it YooHoo?




  1. The French software program Madame Guillotine version 2.1 is the best way to cure the problem.

  2. not worried at all, it's ok with me

  3. Over my dead body! The revolution starts now!

    *Grabs a biro and starts making Indian whooping noises*

  4. YooHoo lol very good but no worries the proletarian will ALWAYS be here ready to strike against the blue bloods ;-)

  5. oh welly can i join

  6. I might sign that petition

    see you at the conservatory

  7. yah tally ho for now

  8. I have noticed that trend;-)

  9. then us peasants will revolt- so be prepared!!

  10. I`m a Medieval Ax with two heads,a big chopper to lop

    over confident titled Yahoo nappers of.

  11. Sorry mungbean old chap, - but I think you mispelt the word "counts"...

  12. well you might call them counts but...

  13. Earl Grey and cakes will be served in the conservatory at 3pm.

    Please attend, as Baron Urqhuart-Sotheby will be engaging in a croquet exhibition.

  14. Answer: Yes I have, but take note: The peasants are revolting !

  15. haha youve forgot to mention "DAme" , dear

    tsk tsk,,

    a disrespectful error like this and it will cost you an excommunication..

    i will have a talk with the queen about this!

    *cue: evil laugh* Mua-haha

  16. Yes we are very regal arent we dear boy

  17. I know a DAME and a QUEEN now. I have to thank YA as before I had no connections to Royalty!!

  18. I do believe you could be right old bean!.   what Larks!!!

  19. I wouldn't worry about it at all if you did take it over and name it YooHoo.  The titles of others on here have never been a problem for me, be it a train hopping bum or the Queen herself.  If someone has a question I can answer, I give it my best either way.  None of that even bothers me.  Although what does is that some idiot will take it over and ask more questions like this, "My two week old baby has a fever of 106, what do I need to do?"  or "My son fell off his bike today and almost got run over by a car in the roadway.  Now his arm looks funny, is swollen and it really hurts.  What do I do?"

    These are the questions that bother me like really bad.  If some idiot like that took this forum over, I would need to scream and run away.  But I love dealing with the royalty. Especially you=)

  20. LMAO! YooHoo? hahahaha!

  21. Only the minor royals use their own names. I have it on good authority that the top 10 Windsors use pseudonyms. Only yesterday I was answering a question posted by Happy Slappy Madge II. She wanted to know which was the best Kebab Van in the St Jame's area. I told her it was Fat Sappo's in the park. She said one has tried that and is was c**p. Very difficult to please the Royals.

    One of the best toffs was Sir Anthony Marmalade III (not the current clone, the original). If the royals keep showing originality in their humor, gawd bless 'em all.

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