
Poll: "Can vegetarians eat seafood?"?

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Poll: "Can vegetarians eat seafood?"?




  1. Fish are flesh and vegetarians don't eat flesh.

  2. That would be a no.. because they don't eat "meat".

  3. nope, but they can eat seaweed...eeewww tastes like fish.

  4. hee hee hee...  know what started this poll. =P

    As another wise user said: Fish are the new carrots!! LOL

    Fish are not swimming plantlife. I don't buy into all of the new fancy labels that people give themselves either... lacto-ovo-etc.

    Either you eat meat, or you don't. If someone can be a pescatarian, then someone can be a poultratarian, carnetarian, etc. I don't care what anyone else eats, but I think that creating a new name for every possible dietary selection is silly. I am a vegetarian, but I don't eat *most* animal products. Because I still consume some dairy, i won't call myself a vegan. Does that mean I should call myself a lacto-vegan to make myself feel better?

    Fish are animals. Even my 3 year old niece knows that =)

    Italia... Even though i don't particularly care for the labels, lacto-ovo's eat dairy and eggs, but no seafood. Thats pescatarians. =)

  5. Many people are not aware of most vegeterians habits. There are many different types of vegeterianism. Some vegeterians, called Lacto Ovo Vegeterians, do not eat Red Meat(beef, bacon etc), Chicken or other birds, Or anything from a pig, but they do eat seafood. It depends what type of vegeterian you are. While some veg's dont eat red meat, poultry, or seafood. But there is a true difference between a COMMON DAY vegeterian and a TRUE vegeterian. Nowdays americans who are vegeterians dont get the real nutrients they should, by only eating carbs and salads. where if you are a vegeterian you should be eating a variety of different food sources and supplements to keep your body healthy

  6. yes.. but can they eat animal crackers?

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