
Polygamy - What are your views?

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Polygamy - What are your views?




  1. As the 2nd and last wife and American, I agree that Polygamy is the best thing that could happen to a woman. What is better for women: becoming the second, third or fourth wife and being treated with dignity and respect by her husband and being given her rights, or becoming a stripper, drug seller, working in a bar, or being a prostitute in order to support and feed herself?

  2. I don't do polygamy, but under certain circumstances I exploit it.

    I am never unfaithful to a partner; once I make a commitment to her that's it - I stay well away from all other women. This remains true for the entire life of the relationship (very few of mine have ever lasted more than two years). However, if and when the urge to go foraging becomes to great I will finish a relationship without a second thought then drop in to full-on promiscuous mode.

    During those periods when I have refrained from getting in to a relationship of my own I have quite happily lain with the wives and lovers of other men, as well as unattached women and those who do it for pay.

    My entire adult life life has been a never-ending cycle of complete and total faithfulness to a partner followed by a period of total promiscuity and quite cheerful depravity.

    I don't believe that any relationship can survive infidelity - it might drag on after the deed but it's doomed. Therefore I will never believe that polygamy can be a successful way of building relationships.

    The only relationships that have any hope at all of surviving are those in which both partners stay 100% faithful to each other - total monogamy.

    Anything else is a charade.

  3. I would never have more than 1 wife because its well......just logic of course. Its not easy or fun to be able to run 2+ families.


    EDIT: @Althaea-----I think I'm aware of my answer and knowledge thank u very much. U don't have to give me a dumb lecture like that :P

  4. It's a way of helping women out, if the man is financially stable. In some countries like Kenya, women prefer to marry a man who already has one wife because then it's obvious what kind of husband is he, does he pay his bills, does he beat his wife, does he spend time with the kids or not? And many women like to have other women around to help them with the household tasks. Today's nuclear family is extremely isolating and psychologically disturbing to the mother.

  5. i think it's very wrong. men might not mind it, but it's cruel toward the woman.

  6. Good thing.

    I support it.

  7. Allah has declared it as being permissible so whether us women like it or not we have to accept it..besides if i was married i would prefer for my husband to have a halal wife rather than a haram girlfriend.

    and the man who does not act justly between his wives will come on the Day of Judgement with one side of his body hanging its not a light thing..its halal but there are a lot of responsibilities attached to it too.

  8. I think it's just another excuse for a man to have more than one woman to fulfill his sexual desires.  It is impossible to have true love with more than one person therefore all of the women in polygamous marriages are not truly loved by the man.

  9. I think the other two posters are unaware that there are different forms of polygamy, Polygyny is where there is one man and several wives and Polyandry where a woman is married to more than one man at the same time. (There are other forms, but those are the most well known ones).

    Personaly I feel as long as no one is coerced into the marriage, they are all concenting (and I mean informed concent here) adults, it's their choice how they wish to live their lives. The problem comes when people (more often than not women) are forced into said marriages against their will. This would be bad no matter what form of marriege we're dealing with.

    After all the publicity about the FLDS compound polygamy has had a really bad image, but it's not fair to look at one example of abuse and say that it is how it always is. I don't think polygamy would be for me, but if it works for someone I don't see why it's any of my buisness if they're happy with it. Pleanty of monogmous relationships split, all marriages have problems.

  10. If the man can honestly support four women and none of them are utterly dismayed by the practice, then who am I to judge them?


    this my view look most common questions asked by non muslims

  12. Than you for asking for my views.. It is forbidden in the UK and many other countries. In those countries where it is allowed it appears to be working. There have been no reported riots or gunfights over the practice. Having three or four people going out to work may prove to be economically beneficial and groups of four could obtainable very good rail travel deals. It would reduce the demand for houses and may prevent eco-towns being built. The UK would have to become a more tolerant society for it to work but several wives or husbands?: many hands make light work.

  13. Its sick..tthatz it

    Wolf,y r u not allowing email uh??

    Islama allows 4 wives..why are you taking away ur husband's righ by telling "i am 2nd and last wife" why can't he marry again???U r a rejector of faith...hypocrite..

  14. Halal


    a good way to get rid of the wife's pride

  15. i admire the bravery and generosity of the first wife.

    and if the man can provide equally for all of his wives then it's all good =)

  16. Polygamy is fundamentally incompatible with freedom and equality as practiced in Western style countries. It only produces stable families in countries where women's rights are so restricted that the women have no other choices.

    Think about it. If a monogamous man and woman are not getting along, they have to decide whether to  be nicer to each other or leave.

    When a polygamous man isn't getting along with his wife, he can ignore her entirely and just get another wife. She has no options but to try harder to please him. Polygamy usually is done along side having lots of kids, so the wife is usually tied to the husband by the children and can't easily leave and support herself and her children even in a free country. In countries where women can't get good jobs or own property, she has NO choice.

    What women would want such a life?

    Even for those religions that condone it, none REQUIRE it.

    It will never be legalized in free countries. We value our women too much.

  17. it hurts me alot, dont like polygamy

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