
Polygraph Results?

by Guest62560  |  earlier

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I just recently took a polygraph for a police department. After the test, he stated that my breathing was too "mechanical". I've taken 4 polygraph before this and have had mixed results. (2 passed 2 failed basically the same questions and same answers were given) I looked at the chart and saw that my breath pattern was consistent all the way through, minus a the couple times i had to swallow. At the end of the test I basically stated to the examiner that everything I have told him is the truth and that I was not here to waste my time or his and that I know this is an interrogation and that you are trying to make me start admitting to things I havent done. He never said that I passed or failed but said that he had to take a look at them because of my breathing being so called "mechanical". I think he was just full of c**p and thought I was going to start to admitting to things. Any thoughts on the results?




  1. You can't be disqualified solely on polygraph results, if it was meant to be it will happen.

  2. i know what you mean but don't know how to answer you question.

    i have taken a polygraph recently as part of the recruitment process for a department in AZ.  they ask you what day of the week it is and you feel like you being untruthful.

    my only problem is that a polygraph is not admissible in court for many reasons.  if that is truely the case, how can it be part of the process?
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