
Pomeranian Stud Indiana?

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My female pomeranian is in heat right now.. How can I find a male for her to mate with? I don't want to pay but anyone can have their pick of the litter.. I've searched online and I can't find anything! Someone Help!!!




  1. Any reputable stud owner would run from your dog. Also, any good stud w/ good health and genetics, would charge a fee.

    Has she been health-checked?

    Is she a reputable show dog with a title?

    Does she have good lines?

    Why are you breeding her? What good trait/attribute does she have that other Pom's don't? Are you breeding for betterment of the Pomeranian breed, or are you being selfish and want more little furballs cuz they are "just so cute and I love my little fluffy-kins so much?"

    There is a reason why you can't find a stud online.

    It isn't how you do it.

  2. Good luck, if you want to breed, you need to do it right.  Find a stud through a reputable breeder that you can find through the pomeranian club of America.  If you don't want to pay for your stud service, would you be willing to pay for a c-section?  Poms are prone to needing to have these done.  Those can average around $2000.00 and you may not even end up with any surviving puppies.  Have you really thought this through?  What if you only have one puppy, it is reserved for the stud owner... Your female needs to be health tested.  End of story.  Don't be a backyard breeder and contribute to the over population problem.  Find a mentor, make sure your female is of breeding quality, health test, then look for a stud.  

    Good luck, but please reconsider until you have done a little more research and have more of an understanding for your breed.      

  3. might want to duck. I for one am not in the mood, but I will say this. No one with a male worthy of being a stud is going to want your female anywhere near their boy if she isn't titled, on her way to a title, UKC or AKC registered and comes from good bloodlines and has hand the proper genetic tests.

    ADD: people pay loads of money for crappy dogs all the time. Secondly her good lines don't mean squat unless she has proven herself in the show ring and won enough points on conformation to be a champion.

    If you were doing all this and knew what you were doing you wouldn't have to look for a stud. You would know who in the Pom show world had a suitable and avail stud to pair with your female.

    So she had OFA CERF BAER PenHIP brucellosis CHV testing?

  4. This is not the place to advertise.   What kind of person and male dog do you think you will find here?  The reason you can't find anything on line, is that this is not how it is done, unless of course you're a backyard breeder.  Anyone reputable finds studs or females who are titled, shown, health-tested, etc.

    add:  What kind of tests have you had done on her?  Papers are only one small step, and depending on what KC the papers are from, could be worthless.  Any dog worth being bred, will have been shown and titled.  If you had shown your dog, you would not need to be looking for a stud, reputable stud owners would be lined up at your door.  Reputable breeders find each other in certain venues such as shows, clubs, networking with other breeders who have dogs of like quality as far as health & genetic screening, champion pedigree, and conformation shows.

  5. Since you haven't prepared for this ahead of time shows that this might be sort of a whim on your part. If you're just now looking into this it would be better to wait and have her spayed after her heat is over. She'll be healthier and it will be much cheaper for you in the long run. If you don't want to pay for stud service just wait to see the vet bills for a litter of puppies! Even top notch breeders often do not break even!  

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