
Pomeranian shedding??

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My little pomeranian is shedding a lot lately.. I'm wondering if this is normal and if it isnt then what can I do to help it?




  1. they say poms shedd their undercoat once a year...i swear mine sheds all the darned time.

    it's normal. regular brushing helps.

  2. wrap him in saran wrap.

  3. Yeah, poms do tend to shed by the boat load XD

  4. You know your pet better than anyone.

    Have you changed foods recently? Or has the temperature in your area fluctuated from hot to cold recently?  These can increase the amount of shedding.

    If you suspect anything abnormal with your pet's health, then I would take your dog to the vet. Or I'm sure you can call the vet's office and speak with one of the technicians there, who can review your pet's file and make any recommendations.  

  5. very normal!! brush often, and try using the furminator (at pet stores) to brush out the undercoating - that will help reduce the shedding quite a bit!

  6. With that double coat. O yes it very normal. Just brush and comb I would recommend getting the dog into the groomer have have that under coat blown out. A good bath re moisturizer and coat blow out and brush will help allot with all that dead under coat coming out it has to go some where and that means on your floor.  
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