
Pony 0r Horse help?

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My Dad says he would buy me a tiny pony that only iis 36 inches although i cant ride it i would Love one anyway

i wanted a horse but he says there too dear 2 keep and im Not that experianced that

so he said he would get me a pony although i cant ride it

would the be any point of my dad getting me a ponie just as a Compaiion or should i try and persude him 2 get me a horse {unlikelyy}

i would ABSOULTY LOVE A Small Poniie

but im scared people wiith laugh =(

as ii am almost 14yrs old and iim 5ft 2

Anyy Help please

? what scho0uld ii do :S?




  1. Stick with what you love!

  2. IS your father a horse savvy person? If this is your first equine friend you have to understand he is thinking into the future about finances and such. You could pursue getting a horse but are YOU going to be able to afford feed, vetting, farrier etc? If this is your first equine maybe a pony would be better. Sure they have the same needs as horses but think of it as training wheels. Ponies are much more hardy than horses and usually dont have too many hoof problems and weight issues.

    I think I would go with the pony. Just make sure you choose carefully. Be very picky. Than see if you can enroll in horse back riding lessons or go work at a horse farm. That way you get well needed knowledge about horses and it may prove to your dad that in the lon run you are ready for a horse.


  3. i know some minis' and their awsome! just cause you cant ride them dosent mean you cant show them, in halter or cart classes. ( and if your not experianced read up on it, and also join a club like 'the saddle club'( not the movie) or 4-h if your in the u.s.)

  4. horses are amizing, try tyo convince him.

  5. I dont understand your father. Just because its small doesnt mean it doesnt need the same things. I would ask for a bigger pony that can be ridden. Maybe a horse/pony. Or even a small horse.

    Please dont go with kates answer ponies are not easier on hooves...uhhhgggg. We have a saying here about ponies. If it hasn't foundered yet it will.

    Here is a link about another yahoo person on ponies and some good answers.

  6. yessssssss !  I would kill for a pony. I'm the same as you. except i'm turning 13. I'm 5'2. But this would be a wonderful chance so you could show him your ready for a horse. Like never forget to feed him, brush him, clean his pasture/ stall regularly. Maybe raise $ for farrier. But ponies are very tough. especially mini's. But you have to wormer him. Learn all these this and i'm sure your dad will say yes to a wonderful horse. oh ya !  also make a bet with him likeee  

    YOU : dad if i take really good care of my little friend pony here for ____  months/year you will have to give me permission to buy a horse. ( you could keep the horse at home now that it has a pasture buddy. Bonus! )

  7. LOL! Take a look i think it's cute!


    I know how you feel, you would love to have one but whats the point if you don't do anything with it really!

    Well i found the answer to that in donkeys! LOL!

    Sounds stupid but actully donkeys are smarter than horses and can do all three gaits but their trot is more fast walk. They only cost like £600($800) a year which is what a pony would cost.

    But if your scared people will laugh then tell them you got it so that your little cousin could ride it, or something like that! Also little ponys can be alot of fun too! They follow you everywhere and you can take them to shows like this...

    I know the video is of someones shetland but i has pictures of her showing the pony.

    These are a few cuties that anyone would love...

    I have a couple of companion shetland for foals who have just been weaned, my shetlands aren't stunning in colour, great with their gaits, brilliant jumpers but their mine and i love them! =]

    And if none of what i have said influences you then get a job somewhere and ask you dad to pay £10 a week for a horse and you will pay the other £10 as a horses hay is £20 a week.

    He will need to pay for shoeing and that or you could always save up! =]

  8. my kids have a small pony for a compaionship it comes up to them every day they feed it butter scotch candy appls carrots

  9. you could tell him some horse are good doers, by that i mean they look at grass and gain weight, its mainly the cob or clydie types but they are great horses

  10. I would lease a horse and improve your riding skills. My mom rode a Conemarra Pony until she was 18.

  11. persude him ...

  12. NEVER give up persuading him for a horse! wait till you can show him that your responsable for a horse by using your pony as an example. ALso dont think of what other people would think if you got a little minnie. Im a litle older than you And I Would LOVE A minnie any day! and there just as awsome and kewl as owning a dog or better =p

  13. I was in a similar situation but i was only 8 and my parents refused to by me a pony purely because they dont like horses .. i kept on and on and on eventually i got my own pony called sparky when i grew too big for him we gave him to the local riding stable to use and hes still ther naw ... the reason we gave him to the riding school was beause i didnt want to sell him cause i love him to much .. but ther wasnt any point of me keeping him cause id bought a bigger horse and he would hav gone to waste so by the riding school loaning him it means that they use him, feed him and look after him but hes still mine .. this happens to so many people its unbilivable so maby lone a pony this means that u dont hav to buy the pony but you hav got all the responsibilities of having your own horse! The owner has to giv u a certaian amount of months or years warning befour the pony goes back to her buh that can all be sorted out on the contract buh with sparky im willing for the rding school to keep him so ther for they hav had a free pony ... mabi the same would happen to u ..  

    Good luck x x x x

  14. id try to convince him to get you a horse first. or maybe riding lessons.

    if that doesnt work, get a pony big enough for you to ride.

    your dad might be afraid of what the horse will do. and im sorry if he is... just try to show him you can care for a horse

  15. Both....

  16. If theres hardly any chance you will get a horse to ride, then i would get the pony. You can still lunge it and free school it over jumps. Good Luck :)

  17. People shouldn't laugh- mini ponies are awesome! A miniature pony is a great companion for any age person. They are tons of fun, and a lot of the same experience as having a regular horse! But I'm glad you know you cannot ride a horse that is 3 ft. tall.

    Since you are not an experienced rider/ horse caretaker, I would not jump right into the complete responsibility of a real horse. Start out small. :)

  18. Honey, You kind of know the answer already. If you want to own a pony to ride;hang in therte and use your time wisely. Save every dollar you can and study in the meantime.This will also show your father that you are serious and responsible enough to take care of one. There are alot of organizations looking for volunteers and/or

    free lease which means you ride and they see to the expense and care. Another point of miniatures is that I have friends whom that's all they have and enjoy riding in carts and make money offering

    kids rides etc. I hope I helped.

  19. Are you interested in driving a cart?  We have families whose kids show their ponies and mini's in driving.  At the last show one of the women (the kids have to have an adult with them), stated "this is really fun"!  

    If a pony is all your Dad feels he can afford, go with it and work on improving the pony's skills.  You may be able to increase it's value with training and possibly sell it in the future to pay for a horse.  You could also learn to "trick train" your pony and possibly make a few bucks giving performances, and if driving is an option you could do parades.  You would be learning alot about  equines, laying a foundation for the future. And at least you'd have equine companionship.

  20. the best alternative to this is to lease or half-lease.

    that way, you can learn the responsibilities of horse ownership, and if the relationship doesnt work out, you can lease a different one.

    leasing can range from $250 to $500 a month [you have to pay for usually just feed, board, and routine vet and farrier checks]

    half-leasing is about $100 to $300 a month [you usually pay half of a full lease.

    it could be more or less depending on what barn it is, where you live, or the horse.

    and if the horse colics or anything, 99% of the time, you are not responsible.

    here are a few links on leasing:

    you can also check for horses for lease at:

    but, if you want to buy a horse, i suggest you wait.

    if you want a mini more, then you should get one.

    also, let your father know that there is really no difference.

    just because one is smaller, doesnt mean it wont be cheaper.

    i dont think people would laugh, they'd be more like "AWWWWW!!! he/she's sooooooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!!"

    and the pony would be more like a pet. [unless you want it to pull carts, which is super expensive to buy them and harnesses]

    but... if you get the mini now, and then decide that you'd rather have a regular horse a year later, you will have to go through selling the mini, then searching for a new horse. and i doubt your dad will let you keep both.

    so in the end... ask him about leasing a horse, then ask the owner of the barn you ride at, or your instructor, if there are any for lease or half-lease.

    hope this helpss :]

    and good luck with your decision


    do you take lessons?

    if not then you definitely should so you could get experience before buying/leasing ANY horse

  21. Ok well I personally think that any in-experienced horse owner is a not so good owner. I dont want to dound rude but if you dont know much, most likley your pony will get sick. We dont want that to happen. TAKE LESSONS from a local barn. I am just getting a horse and have taken lessons for over 4 years! I dont reccomend getting a pony or a horse! I think taking lessons or researching is much MUCH better. Everyday I reseach about a new disease! There is so much to horses and ponies, you will never stop learning! Please Please PLEASE dont gwt a pony right away, LEARN AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! then when you no the basics, consider it.

  22. A pony makes an excellent pet ! You can learn a lot about horses and their care this way. My first pony was too small to ride but I plenty with her--even taught her tricks, like shaking hands. Ponies are also great for driving. I am a grandmother now and still would love to get a pony to drive again. Show your father that you can be a responsible pony owner and maybe later  he will let you be a responsible horse owner.
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