
Pooing in a public toilet?

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Does anyone else find pooing in a public restroom gross?




  1. I only use public restrooms if it is a emergency (as in I am about to use my pants as a toilet)

  2. yep,nasty especially when you get 2 or 3 peoples smells going at one time

  3. I find public restrooms themselves gross.

  4. i find anybody using a toilet i dont know gross

  5. i gues but it is not a topic i dwell on though.

  6. yes

    But if ya got to go ya got to go ...

  7. That is why most of them offer *** gaskets.

  8. lmao. it is totally weird. especially if you got the runs and the restroom is full and it sounds like u blew out the back of the toilet.

  9. I find them gross but sometimes when you have to p**p, you will go anywhere and I mean "anywhere"!

  10. yeah, you gotta squatt even then sometimes it splashes. true story. haha

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