
Pooping at someones house..?

by  |  earlier

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when iom at someones house or in a public restroom i use this little trick so no one can hear the plunk plunk plunk of the turds falling in the watter... ok so i take a bunch of toilet paper and lay it around in the water so the turds fall on the paper and dont make the splash noise.. it works as a double to cus the dirty water dosnt splash back up into your open booty hole!! does anyone else use this trick or do u have a better one.. cus sometimes i put too much TP and the toilet gets cloged




  1. Lol, I do that too.

    And I do what birdy said too.

  2. I do the same thing! Actually I hate taking a c**p in public toilets so I try and wait till I get home, but if you've gotta go you've gotta go! Glad Im not the only one out there that does that. And you're so right about the protecting your booty from S****y water!!

  3. I'm sure your friends would rather hear your turds splashing into the commode as opposed to you wasting their toilet paper.

  4. I let the $hit just DROP and giggle

  5. That's funny, but I know how it is to be embarrassed about "pooping" in public. I try to avoid it if I can. lol

    Sometimes I roll the toilet roll around to make allot of noise  lol !

    Or wait until someone else flushes or until everyone is out of the bathroom.

  6. haha i do that too!

  7. i recommend just standing and pooing in their shower or bath tub thats what i ussally do

  8. lol i dont really care i just p**p

  9. I really needed that laugh, that is hilarious, but hey if it works.

  10. Umm... heh, gross stuff.

    I don't pay any attention to that kinda stuff when I visit. I mean, it's not like their listening on the other side of the door!

  11. This is really funny!  But, that is a good trick.  When I go to a public bathroom I usually do my business when I hear someone washing there hands so the noise would be hidden.

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