
Poor children...?

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There seems to be so many child molestors around these days...

Why is that?




  1. Because twhat children wear and act.

    Which makes these sick pervs attracted.

    I think they are disgusting and all of them should go to h**l because children are brought into this world to be loved and to bring love.

    Not to be loved in a horrible way!!

  2. Hi It's me,

    These sick, demented people have always been around - I don't think it's any worse now than it's ever been.

    News media has obviously changed dramatically which is why we hear about it much more, but I can't see why the media seems so intent on going into more detail and dramatising it so much - surely this can only add fuel to an already unacceptable situation.

    They did try using electric shock treatment on convicted pedaphiles to try re-educate them.  I agrre with with this, but I feel the voltage was too low - it should be increased to around 750,000 volts to be more effective.

  3. Child molester are scum of the earth............there are not as many as the MEDIA makes it sounds.....there are probably more lunatics........terorist......extreemist... murderers... serial killers and other "non-humans" being out there.....they all belong behind bars........for the rest of their life.... because they can't be cured......

  4. im not even answering this question for points but I think there's so many molesters NOW A DAYS because back when THEY were young they must have seen someone getting molested or they might have gotten molested so you never know. i say they lock them all up because im 13 years old and I want to be able to walk outside and not be grabbed by some freaky dude or woman and when Im older I dont want my kids to have to experience that either

  5. i don't think there are any more around now than there were at any other time - it's just that with the improvement of communications and media we are able to be informed more about what is going on, which is good because the more publicity it has the more willing victims will be to speak out

  6. People are more messed up, horrible and sick and maybe we hear about it more because of better technology for example we can listen to news anywhere etc.

  7. Kids are adorable, right? Pedophiles think they are *too* adorable. Those freaks are greedy and perverted. They can manipulate children to do what they tell them, because children are so young and have no idea what is really happening to them. It's sick and horrible. :(

  8. this world is turning to drugs and alcohol and that messes with peoples brains

  9. I dont know if there is actually more than before, just its advertised more now, not kept so secretive. It is certainly too much of it out there though.

  10. Until about 40 years ago, domestic violence was a dirty dark secret not even the victims talked about. Child abuse was a dirty dark secret until about 15 years ago.

    Things kept secret don't get recorded. Also they don't get mentioned in the papers,so you now know of a lot more, from all over the world.

    That covers the "seems" part of your question.

    Then there is the fact that there IS more of it thatn there used to be. This is because some 80% of molesters were themselves molested as children. (This applies equally to sexual abuse and non-sexual). If each one only gets 5 others, then those 5 get 5 the math.

    Luckily this increase IS combined with more knowledge and openness about it, so more cases get reported, so more victims get counselling and other help, so they don't turn into molesters themselves.

    You would think a person who was badly hurt as a child would not pass that on to other children.

    But, the way it seems to work is, they recreate a similar situation except this time they are the ones in control. So, for a short time, they get rid of the dreadful feeling of helplessness which is the most crippling result of abuse.

    If they do later realise they have just hurt a child, they feel guilty, this makes them feel helpless again, and the cycle repeats. Of course if they turn to drink or drugs to feel better, that doesn't help, either.

  11. at least it is publisized, when it was happening in secret and never talked about the victims weren't able to get help, or the victims thought they were to blame.  

    I think there has always been child molestors, we just hear about more now because of internet and tv.

    And now that every one knows it happens, parents can teach their kids to be carefull, and to tell an adult they trust if this happens.

    I think all child molestors should be castrated.

  12. They're called Priests.

  13. Always have been, but now you have a chance to change that and join as a volunteer of the NSPCC or Childline.

    You can't get away with what you can't hide!

  14. Some are like that because they are messed up somewhere physiologically or it could be how the parent or whoever they were with did to them, most likely when most are molested they tend to molest others in the future not all of them do but it is sorta a way to deal with what happened to him. Its like when someone gets raped and they either have s*x all the time or they are afraid to have s*x. It could be also the fact that they prefer children then adults if that is true I do not know why. Some people probably do it for attention, who knows?

  15. they are insane and should be locked in a cell.

  16. I have a very large Carving Knife... which I would use     if I caught one with a child. Dirty beasts ! They all want castrating, and throwing into a dungeon if caught. They are no good for man nor beast. Preying on small children is one of the worst crimes,that besets our Country, and the sooner it is stamped out the better. All I can say is find a woman, there are plenty about to do what you like doing.

  17. Actually, as far as I have read, there are no more now than ever before. They are just reported more.

  18. There is no real evidence that there are more paedophiles about nowadays than in the past - read the history of the NSPCC (in the UK) for example. Child abuse was commonplace in the 19th century - child prostitution was commonplace for example and you can find evidence if you look of such vile behaviour at pretty much any time period.

    What has happened is that the population in general has become more aware, and this awareness has   resulted in an increace in popular revulsion ( you posting being an example of this). While it is hard to prove, as child abuse is by its very nature hard to detect, the amount of abuse may actuall have fallen due to increaced monitoring and detection. The increaced awareness of it has resuted in increaced resources being put into child protection. It is not that long ago that child protection featured little if at all in the Police's training for example.

    So, it is possible that the increaced number of cased of child abuse coming to light are a reflection of better awarenesses and processes to catch the evildoers, and also greater media reportinig of such cases when they are caught.

  19. the fact is there are probably far less now -in the olden days it happened often too but was swept under the carpet/not talked about. Its just that we have far more ways of communicating now and with tv and newspapers etc we get to find out about them
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