
Pop Quiz!!?

by  |  earlier

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This has nothing to do with pop culture, but it will deffinetly pop your brain out!!

The first person to get all answers right, will recieve 20 points, I will email the winner for details on the other 10 points.

First type, buzz!

Okay! Question #1

For lazy people, instant coffee has been a hit.

In what year was this type of coffee invented?

a) 1869

b) 1901

c) 1946

d) 2003

Question #2

Which of these places yould you live longest?

a) Underwater

b) Antartica

c) Sahara Desert

d) Europa

Question #3

Which of these natural sattelites does not belong?

a) Phobos

b) Ganymede

c) Europa

Trick question!! Question #4

Which is not an equivalent?

a) Jupiter

b) Medusa

c) Zeus

d) None of the above.

You may also find out on the internet, you can, but that woulnt be fair woulnt it?




  1. BUZZ!!!! b b a b

  2. 1. A

    2. B

    3. C

    4. D

    This was just random answers =)

  3. b) 1901




  4. b b a b
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