
Pop or soda???

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what do you say and where are you from to say that. north or south ???




  1. both, but soda more i think north

  2. Soda, Californa, 2 hours up of l.a

  3. pop

  4. I'm from the midwest and I say "Dad," not "Pop." I don't know why anyone would call their father "Soda."

  5. there are gas stations here in missouri and there is a pop vs. soda sweepstakes, adevertisment, fundraiser kind of thing.

  6. Pop, north - Ohio.

  7. i say pop.

    i'm canadian.

  8. Washington state. I say soda.

  9. I say Coke or Pop Machine.  No matter what type of soft drink I'm looking for. I'm from the North.

    True story...I went to school in Boston for a time and walked up to the rent-a-cop who was security in the dorm and asked him where a Coke machine was.. He looked at me as if I really wanted to know where I could get the drug! Things got very strange for a few minutes when my friend, dying laughing, explained that I was from Ohio and was really looking for a soda machine. I had to show the cop that I only had $4 and change on me before he let up!!!

  10. Every thing here is a coke no matter if it is 7 up.  In the south.

  11. It was soda in central Illinois where I was born & raised, now in Minnesota, where they call it pop....I still call it soda.

  12. I say both actually. I'm not exactly sure why. I'm from the north.

  13. I say 'coke' for a generic soft drink, or I say the name of what I want (Dr. Pepper, Sprite, root beer, etc.) I'm from the South (New Orleans.)

    All of my cousins in upstate New York *always* call it soda or pop, I've never called it either one.

  14. I say Coke...regardless of the brand.

    I am from the South.

  15. POP :]

    i get made fun of though.

    my family is from wv & ohio

    nobody where i live calls it pop

    but me.

  16. Pop.  I am from the north (Minnesota)

  17. i thought pop and soda were the same thing

  18. Soda - South Texas

  19. all my life i had called it pop up till a this last year. now i call it both. i'm from colorado.. so uh i'm not sure if colorado is considered north or south.. isnt it like in the middle lol
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