
Popping pills.?

by  |  earlier

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what pills will give you a buzz but not like totally out of it? i have lot of medicine at the $house but i was wondering what kind of pills work good. preferably non perscription. and how much? plz dont give me a llecture or anything. this is a one time thing. dont even answet if your going to say something negative. thanks.




  1. percocet, values, morphine stuff like that but im not sure if u need a perscription

  2. As a nurse I really can't answer this question, but I do have a question for you. Why are you wanted to get screwed up so bad for? You must be a teenager, because as a teenager I was the same way. But look at it this's really not worth it..

  3. I can't answer this without giving the trurh. I'm NOT lecturing or anything, I ask of you, please don't do it. I have a seziure deisorder called epilepsy, theese things are nothing to experiment with. It's up it's up to you, it's your body. I know you said a one time thing, but that usually ends up being a long time with some people, didn't say your one of them. Hope you don't end up taking them for a long time.

    Take Care.

  4. to that Alex guy, you answer this question for what reason? Dont help those that are looking to become addicts (to the kid asking the question; "this is a one time thing"....keep dreaming)
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