
Popularity of the princes?

by Guest56970  |  earlier

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I remember when I was 14, Prince William (and later Prince Harry) started to become popular amongst the American teenagers and it seems like for the exception of some anti-royalists they are still pretty popular.

The question is, are they more or less popular than they were in the late 90s and early 2000s. I do vaguely remember Princess Diana being popular in the mid 90s around my area.




  1. I believe that Prince William is as popular as he was in the 90's - perhaps more so.

    Prince Harry's popularity has declined because he likes to act up and be non-Royal.

  2. They are extremely popular in America I think. And to say that you "vaguely" remember Diana being popular in the mid 90's is a giant understatement. Diana was popular with the entire world, during her entire marriage and her boys are just as popular and well loved. Too bad I can't say the same for their father.

  3. They are very popular. William always seemed to be the one everyone was talking about and who all the girls liked. But I like Harry is becoming popular and quite good looking as well! I like both of them very much. After watching the interview with them Princes and Matt Laurer, you can't help but love and respect them! They seem to be very likeable young men!

  4. Nothing has changed very much,they are still very popular.They have traveled and become more worldly and down to earth and due to an education that was a tad more normal than their fathers,seem to be more approachable.Prince Harry has been dubbed the Wild boy of the family,He has a disdain for the paparazzi (I wonder why) which has led to a couple of scrapes with those people who deserve all they get and more.The paparazzi will always be on top though because scum rises.All in all the Princes seem to be a couple of very likable guys.

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