
Popularity tips for school life?

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please can i have some popularity tips for my ten year old daughter




  1. well, even though i myself feel that the look real pretty and outgoing would gain you popularity instantly thing is not important, it does help. basically, from my own experience, those who are comedians, and are really outgoing gain the most friends. my friend transfered to my school and the first day she was really quiet, 2nd day she just like WOAH started talking and was seriously outgoing, she was really funny and even tomboyish and the whole class instantly liked her. if your daughter is in a mixed school, im betting the guys will be attracted to her too.

    10 years old, hmm stick to looking sporty and try to get her to tell some jokes and not keep quiet. its important that while you instill these stuff into her, you make sure she learns to respect her teacher and not talk at the wrong time and get into any trouble or anything. her outlook doesnt matter, its the personality that gains popularity. but outlook does help in first appearances

  2. The first thing she needs to do is smile.  We are all drawn to people that smile.  If she is outgoing, people will flock to her also, if she stays in her shell and holds her books to her chest, that shows a sign of weakness and children pick up on that and can be mean.  Get her into a public recreation like at the YMCA, that builds confidence and she will  become more popular from that too.

  3. She's ten for god's sake. The popular ones are the girls who spend their school life fapping about with boys instead of doing work i.e. failures. Any decent person doesn't care what you look like, it's your personality that counts, something that popular girls tend to lack. She's not a pet you know? She's a human just let her be who she wants to be.

  4. She doesn't necessarily need to be popular, she just needs to find the right crowd to hang out with.

  5. just tell her to be herself....that's all

    she doesn't need to be popular to be happy.

  6. you dont want your daughter to be popular. she goes to school to learn. not to turn into a snob.

    she can make real friends. not friends who like her becuase shes 'popular'

  7. I know it is quite shallow but it really is all about appearance and having the best. Nice groomed hair, nice clothes. Good P.E kit. i.e nike adidas. Get her involved in "thee" school sport. (at my school it was hockey or rugby) and tell her not to snubb/be nasty to anyone. ( It will hit her back in the face when she's left school and she's not so popular and the "not so popular kids" start snubbing her- they don't forget.

    Things change. It's not a big deal being popular as long as she has her friends at school, thats what makes them the best times of your life.

  8. god what a shallow mother you sound!

    is it people like you who bring up orange spoilt bratty airheads? dnt bother with giving her an education she probably wont get much out of it with a mother so stupid

  9. okay, the first thing i gotta ask is-why do you want your daughter to be popular?

    i'm at school at the moment, i may not be popular, but i love the poeple i hang around with and i'm happy

    if you just want her to make a few friends, she could invite some poeple round for tea or something

  10. lmao!

    I think you're the 10 year old.  

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