
Pork and the bible.?

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Leviticus, Chapter 11

1 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron,


"Speak to the Israelites and tell them: Of all land animals these are the ones

you may eat:


any animal that has hoofs you may eat, provided it is cloven-footed and chews

the cud.


But you shall not eat any of the following that only chew the cud or only have

hoofs: the camel, which indeed chews the cud, but does not have hoofs and is

therefore unclean for you;


2 the rock badger, which indeed chews the cud, but does not have hoofs and is

therefore unclean for you;


the hare, which indeed chews the cud, but does not have hoofs and is therefore

unclean for you;

and the pig,


which does indeed have hoofs and is cloven-footed, but does not chew the cud

and is therefore unclean for you.


Their flesh you shall not eat, and their dead bodies you shall not touch; they

are unclean for you.

I know alot of peoples answer is gonna be this was in the old testament..and yadda yadda.

but this was this was the word of god in the first place...why do you think you can change the word of God, by a "new testiment"...its kind of like oh i dont really like those rules so Im just going to make new ones...




  1. The OT dietary laws were for Jews.

    Not being a Jew, and freed from the ceremonial law, I, as a gentile, do not have any worries.

  2. The bible is awesome for real life answers but in this case it really is more (time) sensitive. They did not have the means of science at the time of this writing and of course no refrigeration as well and so it was wise to stay away from this type of food because it truly could kill you via (bacteria) so in gods ultimate wisdom he simply said for the moment abstain and all is good. See?

  3. Are you going to ***** about cotton poly blends next?

  4. The Old Testament was included in the Bible purely so Christians can cherry pick rules out of it when it suits them.

    All Jesus said was to follow the 10 commandments and love thy neighbour as you love thyself (which are fairly good rules for anyone to live by). Nothing about homosexuality, s*x before marriage (and no adultery is not the same as s*x before marriage) or anything else that so many Christians seem to have hang ups about these days.

  5. Pork is still unclean.  It is extremely unhealthy animal to eat. God knew this because he was the one who created them in the first place. He says you shouldn't eat them in the Old Testament for a reason. He didn't just decide all of a sudden that they have become ok to eat without changing the animal. Don't get me wrong ,eating pork or not eating pork is not a basis for salvation. However, I choose not to eat it for health reasons, because God tells us it's not good food.

    People have thought it is now ok to eat because of mis-interpretation of scripture....

    The verse where it says not that which goes into the mouth defiles a man, but that which comes out of the mouth,this defiles a man has nothing to do with unclean foods, if people read the entire section in context the Pharisees were telling them they were defiled because they did not wash their hands before breaking bread.

    The verses in Acts where Peter see's a sheet come down showing unclean animals and saying they are clean isn't literal. If they read further it explains those verses, it actually says it wasn't talking about the animals literally, it was talking about the Gentiles (who were originally considered unclean). Once Stephen was stoned the Gospel was taken to the Gentiles. God was telling Peter that they are no longer to be considered unclean anymore. It refers to PEOPLE, not animals. The animals in the vision were just used as an example. Read further in Acts, read the whole thing in context. God's word went first to the Jews, then spread to the Gentiles.

  6. I can only agree with your statement yet I do eat pork. Uhm...I  think that it was mentioned as unclean for a good reason due to the pig storing fat on the outer layers of it's body. It means there are more toxins in a pig than in a cow whose fat gets broken down within the body and not storing it on the outer layer.

  7. God told Israel that pork is unhealthy, so don't eat it. It wasn't a moral issue. It was a health issue. The commandment was made to Israel. It wouldn't be a bad idea to stay away from pork, but it is not sinful to eat it.

  8. i agree with you. also Jesus came to continue the message of Moses not to change it. that's what i believe. why should these animals be unclean before then all the sudden clean again?! doesn't make any sense really.

    edit- also if you already believe in God then you should believe that he knows all. he's not a human being to "not know" if it is unclean or not cuz there aren't proper equipment! what equipment were there when he created us?! nothing if i'm right...

  9. Nobody changed the word, Jesus fulfilled the word. Some do change the words around to fit their lifestyles.
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