
Positive and negative points of Anarchy?

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Can you list the positives to anarchy and the negative?




  1. positive is that everyone will get a chance to rule negative is that this positive  point will go into wrong hands.

  2. By definition anarchy has no benefits as it removes any structure to events so they happen without reason,and because this happens some form of structural response is required so an anarchic system is short lived.Having waffled about that most ruling systems have some intrinsic flaw so this principal can be applied to all

  3. anacrho capitalism like henry david therou is awesome. anarcho socialism isnt anarchy it is communism

  4. Creativity is stimulated as independent thinking encouraged.A more dynamic culture.Less mind restraint.

    However,someone has one view of anarchy that another detests.As anarchy can never be democratic you have to end up with an authoritative system,where repression is dominant.

    Collective freedom is better than individual freedom,as one mind with out barriers is a very dangerous thing.In theory Anarchy and communism should be the best systems,but the human is so low minded and self centred that it needs the restraints of social democracy to mature it

  5. Positive...

    Get to do whatever you like.


    Have to put up with everybody doing whatever they like.

  6. There is a great deal of misunderstanding of the nature

    of anarchism.

    Anarchists (also known as libertarians or libertarian

    socialists, in the original sense of socialism as worker-

    ownership-and-control of the means of production)

    oppose illegitimate authority and hierarchy, and therefore

    oppose capitalism and the state; anarchists do not oppose

    all organization: anarchists favor voluntary, non-

    hierarchical, self-organization. Anarchists do not oppose

    all rules and laws; anarchists oppose rules and laws

    imposed involuntarily by illegitimate authorities, such

    as the state, and favor voluntarily-agreed-upon rules and


    "Anarchy 101", an excellent introduction to anarchism,

    can be found here:

    "An Anarchist FAQ", giving an in-depth treatment of

    anarchism, can be found here:


    News & Views for Anarchists & Activists:

  7. anarchy is driven by the people

    but the bad thing is

    only the strong will win out

    it's a free for all

    with no leadership

  8. If there were any positives to anarchy, don't you think some country somewhere would have it as its system of government?

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