
Possible MS cure?

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we all know that stem cells could help these paintens out but the diesase would eat away at that new nerve, but what if the stem cells were put in place and medical weed, copaxon, any treatment if not all aare used. i havent heard 1 thing yet about combing these any where and im 17 so wtf howcome no docotrs have said anything




  1. I know that MS is often casued by eating aspartame (nutrasweet) and that ceasing it's consumption can hal t*t's pathology.  In rarer cases, I have seen the same thing occur with root canals (as hard as that might seem to believe, in certain people if an infected root canal is removed, all their symptioms of MS go away).

    UNfortunaltey, MS is really difficult to actually treat.  I have heard of people having sucess through a good chinese energy practice (ie well done tai chi or chi gung learned from a competent teacher), but otherwsie I am yet to find anything that works (despite much effort).  However that doesn't mean another approach doesn't exist, and I could see logically how Gerson therapy could help, I just have not yet seen any clinical data affirming that.

    For all of you that posted in this regard, could you link me to data affirming it; I'd be immensely curious to find out more!

    Anyhow, not sure if thats exactly what you were asking for, but I hope that helps!

  2. please re-write your question, it doenst make sense...

  3. The main problem with all the medication for MS is that you can develop neutralizing antibodies against the treatment. Copaxone is definitly one of those treatments. The medicine won't work and the disease would just eat it away again.

    The main problem with the new drug Tysabri, what has excellent results thus far, is that you can't combine it with other known treatments, because that will increase the risk off side effects. With interferon, you get a higher chance of very dangerous brain problems. With copaxone, you have a higher risk of blood anomalies.

    Your idea isn't new, they're doing a lot of research on this item as we speak. But because the side effects of the treatment are so dangerous, they can't take much risk with test-cases.

  4. I highly recommend reading the book by Kevin Trudeau called "Natural Cures They Don t Want You to Know About - and follow the plan in there.

    All diseases are caused by high level of toxins that we are putting in to our bodies through food , pollution, dyes ,chemicals etc.

    Go to a health food store and do some whole bodie cleansing , liver cleanse, colon cleanse, kidney and liver cleanse , eat only ORGANIC food.

    Cut out red meat , coffee , white flour etc.

    Read the book. The writer had cancer and cured it. The FDA has been trying to sue him because he is exposing them.

    1 second ago - Edit - Delete

  5. Gerson Therapy.

    Watch 'Dying To Have Known' documentery. on p2p networks
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