
Possible Pregnancy??? PT. 2?

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I posted a question yesterday about a possible pregnancy for myself. I included detail about having an abortion. I must say that I was 14 when that happened and I don't plan on ever getting another one. If I was to be pregnant this time around I'm keeping my baby. That happened some years ago. I'm still young 19 to be exact but I want a baby. With the frequent urination it had me going last night, I almost didn't make it. Insomnia, headaches, backaches, fatigue. I was wondering if women that had previous pregnancies experience symptoms early on. This is day 23 and I have a normal 28 day cycle. LMP 7-29 s*x dates Aug 8 and 9. Any opinions and ideas welcome.




  1. My pregnancy symptoms didn't start until I was about 7-8 weeks, but everyone is different.  You could very well be pregnant based on your dates.  Do you ever get symptoms like the ones you listed before you begin your cycle?  Best of luck to you either way...

  2. give it another week and take a hpt

  3. Well I am not trying to be mean but wanting a baby and being ready for  one is a big difference I am only saying this from experince  I finally got pregnant WOW you need to remember before you could run to go to the store well now you have a extra person to take in and out of the car and when your are sick oh well no sick days you have a kid to take care all of I love my kids and I am a daycare provider but it is a  HUGE respsonsibility have you looked at how much daycare cost and when they start school it gets more expensive I am no trying to be mean but are so young go take some extra time for yourself have a little vacation getaway family vacations are great but sometimes me and my husband would love to do things on ourv acation but we can't because of the kids I wish I would had some advice early on.  I will tell you incase you are get good prenatal care take care of your self I wish you the best of luck if you are I had no symptoms with my first and my second I thought I had the flu way before I found out I was pregnant and I was sick the entire pregnancy. UGH Sorry if you are upset but please think about this incase you are not.

  4. It could be either or, PMS symptoms or Prego in your ego. lol wait a few more days then on the 2nd day until your expected period, you can test using one of the Ealr response ones. Good luck if its waht you want.  

  5. I know about abortion and it's affects.  If you are pregnant again please have the baby!  Having another abortion will do awful things to your mental AND physical states.  I had frequent urination almost as soon as I got pregnant.  Weird how that happens.  I am a single mom and it is difficult at times, but there is nothing like having my little boy to love.  Good luck and God bless!

  6. with all my pregnancies i developed symptoms from about 7 days before my monthly was due.

    i also just 'knew' if you know what i mean?

    the only way to find out this early is to go see the doctor and ask for a blood HCG test they found my oldest at 6 days before my missed period  

  7. i didnt have that many symptoms that early mostly i remember that i was really nauseas, lights bothered my head and for some reason i sneezed alot.( apparently your nose is more sensitive) but still after all these things i didnt get a positive test until 3 weeks after my missed period because my HCG levels weren't high enough its different for everyone but you will need to wait at least another week or two to get a good result from a HPT. Good Luck

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