
Post-partum weight loss??

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I just don't get it. I gained 34 lbs with my son, 10 of which the doctor said I needed to gain because I was borderline underweight which was resulting in pre-term labor. I gained the weight, had a healthy baby, and am now a pudge. I exercise as much as I can (3-4 times a week for 45 minutes) and I eat healthy, but I went in for my 6 week check up and gained another pound! With my last baby, I gained 41 lbs and was in size 1 jeans a week later. I never exercised at all.

And my lower stomach is a mess. I can't get it to snap back at all. My son dropped at 30 weeks and stayed that way until I delivered at 38 weeks, so I'm chalking it up to it being stretched really far for a long time.

So currently, I'm 5 feet tall and 137 lbs. My son is 2 months old. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Are there any tips or exercises anyone has for my lower belly and my arms that keep waving to ppl LONG after I've stopped, lol??




  1. No it sounds like your doing everything right, but you need to realize it took you 9 mo to gain that weight and it will take time to lose it. The longer it takes the longer you will keep it off. Be sure your drinking a lot of water. Keep it up and you'll lose it in no time!

  2. Your doing everything right hun! ive got a 15 month son,  i got really big during pregnancy too,and i still looked pregnant when my son was 3 months old! you're baby is still very young, it will go eventually,i promise,  it just takes time! youre body was stretched over a period of 9 months, so it will take that at least to get it back to how you were. I know some people go back to wereing their jeans etc, but they are just lucky! i think we all wish we were like them! haha.

  3. As you have more children your stomach muscles stretch more and more so it can take longer the more children you have to go back to your pre-pregant size.  The way you carried your son may have something to do with the area being more stretched out but chances are the pudge thats there is also extra skin from when your belly was round.  The only quick fix for that would be lipo.  There is a saying that says "9 month on, 9 months off" and it is simply saying your body went through alot of changes during pregnancy and it will take time to heal and go back.  You were very lucky with your first child but more often than not it takes a few months to lose that belly keep in mind you are older than you were with your first to that goes against you as well.   Are you breast feeding?  If so that can be why you have gained.  Also if you are building muscle, that will weigh more than fat so the scale will fluctuate some.  The important thing is that you eat right and exercise and be healthy for you and your kids.  Keep a ideal goal of where you want to be but make sure it is realistic.  

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