
Poster ideas??? please help me?

by  |  earlier

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im running for student government and i need ideas for my poster. my nickname is AL, please help me, it should be funny but serious and an can turn heads, please help me




  1. First of all, the poster background color should be attractive enough to notice at first glance.  Secondly, I suggest you could put your whole body picture in the poster but your body should be half human and half robot, (something like a robocop)... stating that "I serve like a super hero".  "I give, I love, I fight"

    Just a suggestion! Cheers!

  2. There's nothing to discuss,

    He's one of us.

    Vote for Al,

    He's our pal.


    -Use a SuperHero theme with the following slogan.  Design a "Super Al" logo for your posters and make sure it is simple, easily recognizable, and large enough to be seen from far away.  On the day that campaigning begins and on election day (or on the day you make your campaign speech) wear a "Super Al" superhero costume... it will crack up the students and get a lot of attention.  If you do it right, it won't look stupid or nerdy; it will look hilarious, making it cool.  If your school has a uniform policy then just get a cape made with your logo on it and wear it in the halls, during lunch, or right after school lets out.

    Below I have listed a few slogans that would work with this theme.  Good Luck.

    Vote SUPER AL

    'cause he's our pal,

    'cause his intent

    is to represent.

    Super AL

    won't throw in the towel.

    He won't give up the fights

    'Til he saves our student rights.

    Super Al-

    saving our student rights,

    one new idea at a time.

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