
Potty Training - Are these REALLY signs?

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My 14 month old daughter will crouch sometimes to pee or p**p.

She'll also look down when she pees & isn't wearing a diaper.

A couple of times she's pulled at her diaper just after a p**p.

Both sets of Grandparents SWEAR those are signs for potty training & that I should at least sit her on the potty to see what happens.

I don't think she's old enough yet...I don't want her to regress, Plus....what kid (even a 1 year old) wouldn't look down when pee is running down their leg!?!




  1. I wouldn't say those are signs.

    You can do a little "Potty Training 101" if you want though. See where she takes it. Introduce the potty, tell her what to do with it, maybe set a routine every night before she gets in the bath sit her on it and let her get familiar.

    There's no harm in letting her know it's there for her to use when she would like to, but I wouldn't push it.

  2. No.  Most kids do that.

  3. It seems she is ready.  She is not too young . i have seen others this age or younger. Set that potty in the bathroom . If she sits when you sit .

  4. I believe that some toddlers are ready earlier than others.  I was hoping mine would be one of them.  I bought the potty and tried training her at 15 months.  It proved to be futile.  At 24 months she was trained in about a week.  It's so easy when they're ready.  If it seems like its a lot of hard work, try again later.

  5. My daughter potty trained around that time and did well. But than after 2 weeks of being perfectly potty trained she refused to even sit on the potty! Not even sit on it.

    My son is 14 months but doesn't walk yet... so I can't potty train him yet.

  6. It's a sign get a potty and let her play with it, so she'll be use to it.  Acknowledge when she goes, you are peeing, that's pee, good here is your potty.  It's more about her learning the words that go along with potty, she has no idea until you tell her.  If you are really good you can predict when she is about to go, tell her, sit here to pee.  

  7. These can be, but are not necessarily signs. She pullls because it is uncomfortable but that does not mean she will just graduate to the potty. Crouching makes moving bowels easier. Often when a child is taught early, they are more likely to regress...but then some don't. Do what you feel is right. If you do not feel she is ready, then it won't hurt to wait.  

  8. No, she's not quite ready. My daughter does a lot of those, starting around that age. However, you can go purchase her a potty chair. Start changing all diapers in the bathroom, and sit her on the potty every time, and before bathtime(especially when water is running, lol). You don't have to make her sit there for more than a few seconds, but she'll start putting two and two together, and may just potty train herself. You don't have to actively try anything yet, but you can start preparing her. My friend's daughter potty trained herself at a year old (I'm still jealous, lol) but my daughter is 20 months and we're not actively trying. Keep doing those things, and eventually, one time, she'll actually pee or poo while on her chair, then you celebrate or reward, but don't push it again. She shouldn't regress. Also, have potty partys for you(lol, sounds weird, but they love it, when she watches you pee. Clap your hands and say something like, yeah, mommy peed in the potty. My daughter actually poohed in the potty first, and has peed it in a few times, but I'm waiting for a few more signs before we actively try, although she just pulled her diaper off and handed it to me and asked for her wonderwear, lmao, so we might actively try starting tommorrow.

    Good luck!  

  9. I agree with you, if she does not have the communication skills (yet) to let you know she needs to go before the act, then she is not ready.

    You can sit her down on the potty to try & get used to using it, hearing it flush, etc. which may help later when she is ready.  It will also please the grandparents, but no need to have that expectation so early.

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