My daughter is almost 16 months old (on the 25th). We had originally started to introduce the potty when she was 12 months, not expecting her to pick up on anything. We decided to give up until she started walking. Well, she's started walking now and we'd like to start up again.
Any advice on how to re-introduce the potty in a fun but not pushy way?
Also, she tends to get into the cupboards and the toilet in the bathroom if we leave the door open, so it's going to be hard to let her have access to the potty with the bathroom door closed.
Any ideas on where to put the potty until we can trust that she won't get into the toilet and try to drink the water?
I run a home child care and I'm not 100% comfortable with other kids watching my daughter use the toilet, so if anyone knows of an easy access place with some privacy, that would be great.