
Potty train 28mo. and 15mo. together?

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I have a 28mo. boy that I'm working on potty training with. He is staying dry in underwear most of the time and occasionally going on the potty. I think he'll figure it out soon. I also have a 15mo. boy. They do alot together and the younger one follows the older one alot. I wonder if I should try getting another potty seat and putting them on it together. Would that be crazy? Is there any chance my 15mo. will potty train too since he's watching his brother do it?




  1. I have a three yr old and a 16 month old (girls) and they also follow each other around and the little immitates the older on almost everything. Now that my 3yr old is potty trained my 16 month old will sit on her training potty (still in clothes) and pretend she is going potty too. i think thats the first step, getting them to realize what it is they are doing first and why (i.e sitting on the potty because i have to pee)

    keep in mind every child is different and its up to them to decide they are reasy and to make the first move

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