
Potty training boys?

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what is the commom time it takes to potty train? i know every child is different, but what is the average time? i've been trying with my 2 year old(he turned 2 in march), for like 3 months, and we were off to a good start, he would pee in there with NO problem, then one day, he pooped and freaked out after! lol, and now he's scared and won't go pee or p**p. lol, i don't know what to do, everybody in my family has had girls and they say it's diffrent. lol, any help? i would be GREATFULL!!!




  1. potty training is the same whatever flavour you have,its all to do with getting your little one to pee n p**p in the loo at the end of the day, 2yr is still a good age but rome wasnt built in a day,so its gonna take patience,as soon as he pees in the pot (loads of praise)when he dont (no praise)have a chart ready and reward him best of luck it will happen(mum of 5 )

  2. If he's really scared, I would drop it for a little while and start fresh.  He's also still on the young side, so I wouldn't worry if he's not getting it yet.  I potty trained boy/girl twins and the girl was so much easier!  In the end, treats and bribery worked and I would seriously consider them if he understands the concept.  I gave them 1 M&M for "tinkles" and 2 for "poops".  Worked like a charm :)  You might want to try getting some DVD's about potty training for him to watch.  I know that Seasame Street has an Elmo one and there's another called No More Diapers.  Good luck, he'll get there eventually!

  3. For my sons I put a few cheerios in the toilet & made a game of it & told them to see if they could hit the target. For my grandson we had to borrow his young cousin so he could watch the other child go potty , then he wanted to copy him & he went with no problem. It took 1 day.

  4. I had the same thing happen with my 2 year old son (he also turned 2 in march) What I did was take the color changing tablets that you put in the bath tub and put one in the toilet.  I told him to go potty on it to see what color it changed.  I know it might sound crazy, but it worked.

  5. My son was fully potty trained at 22 months. But I think he was kinda early?

  6. It may sound odd to us adults, but sometimes when children p**p in the toilet, they freak out because they see that something "falls out" of their body and gets flushed away. This could be what caused your child's panic and back slide. One thing you could do, is when he poops in his diaper/pull-up, is clean his bottom, put on a fresh diaper/pull-up and then together walk to the toilet and dump the p**p out of the diaper into the toilet.  This way he sees that it is okay, and that is where the p**p should go.

    It sounds as though your child is clearly ready, but that whatever caused him to become afraid of it has really caused the issue.

    I agree with the others, especially the person who mentioned color changing tablets for in the toilet. You should make it fun, and make it into a game like the cheerios in the toilet for "target practice".

    Whatever you do, do not let him see you being frustrated or concerned-- this will only add to the stress of it for him. I would keep at it though, as it seems as though he really is ready.

    Good luck to you :-)
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