
Power stations?

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with all the energy saving bulbs we're using and being much less wasteful with energy, are power stations burning less coal than they were say 5 years ago?




  1. No, because people are consuming more and more energy, lights are not and have never been the big problem, it's heating and air conditioning and these are used in shops and offices where doors to the outside world R being opened N closed all the time. Then the more stuff people buy N use means that more energy is used in production. You save with one hand and spend with the other.

  2. Say 5 years ago? OK- Five years ago. btw the answer is no.

  3. I am glad to hear you are being less wasteful with energy but I am sorry to say that others are not so our electricity consumption is still rising.

    One of the main causes has been businesses that have installed many more computers and printers.  Even if these were used economically they would still have increased the demand for electricity but sad to say many of them are left on all day and even overnight, without thought.  I used to work in the Department for Environment Food and Rural affairs and I sometimes walked the floors late at night to find most of the printers were still on.

    In one respect you are right.  UK power stations are burning less coal but that is only because they are burning more gas.

    It is all a serious problem because the world supplies of coal, gas and oil are beginning to run short and need to be conserved.  We need to reduce demand for electricity and generate more of it using wind, wave, tide, hydro and solar power.  So keep up the good habits and try and persuade others to do the same, particularly at work.

    Best wishes

  4. not really,  the demand for energy is growing faster than they are making it still.  Look at "green solution houses" some are even PRODUCING energy rather than using it.  I am currently looking at hay bale technology for my house when I build my place, I am going to use solar cells, water heater, and low use solutions for myself.. Good luck world if you don't change!

  5. Good sounds right so our bills should get ceaper

  6. Probably more. With all the anti progress, "we all should be living in the stone age", environmentalist, wack-jobs... constantly standing in the way of clean, environmentally friendly, sources of energy like hydro-electric, nuclear, and wind, it only stands to reason.
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