
Practical Joke Help Needed! Please Read

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This weekend my partner is going to play a great practical joke on my dad. We have done practical jokes on each other for years such as setting traps around each others house's, hiding things, putting pins outside bedroom doors, making cheese sandwiches with the cheese wrapped in cling film and all sorts. Well this weekend my mum has agreed to give my partner her house key so he can go in early hours in the morning and move things around down stairs (just hope the dog don't wake up!) . Does anyone know of anything similar to do to my dad that will freak him out? He's not TOO old so don't worry about giving him a heart attack or something! Answers would be much appreciated.

Its gonna be sooooooooooooo funny.




  1. Obtain a small hypodermic needle and syringe and fill it with Habanero pepper extract or hot sauce. Inject the extract or sauce into an unsuspecting victim's fruit, vegetables, cakes, ice cream, and anything else you can find that's edible. They will be pleasantly surprised when they bite into their favorite foods. This is a particularly good prank to use against roommates who are always grabbing your food for a quick bite...I'll bet they stop before too long.

  2. will he be sleeping at the time? a favorite practical joke i like to play is to switch the box springs and the mattress on his bed. make sure to make the bed back exactly the way it was. you can imagine the hilarity when he goes to crawl into bed only to find springs poking him in the back! its great.

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