
Praying in public?

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Let me set the scene...You walk into your favorite restaurant and sit down with your friends or family. At the table next to you, there is a family. When their food comes, you notice that they hold each others hands and one of them quietly says a short prayer before they eat their dinner. How does this make you feel and/or would you react to it in any way?




  1. We do that.  Nothing wrong with being thankful for our daily bread.  Yes, we're as quiet about that as the family you observed.  Doesn't make a big distraction.  

    If other people don't like that, they can look away.  We will be done praying in a couple minutes.

  2. I say good for them. This is really nothing unusual for where I live. So many people would like to pray over a meal in public but are intimidated to do so because of what others may be thinking.

    I say if they are uncomfortable then they have to get over it.

  3. I feel that they are exercising their right as free Americans, I wouldn't care as long as they don't grab my hand and ask to join.

  4. What is there to react to??  If that's what they want to do then so be it, you don't have to do the same.  Who cares?  Why do people have to make such a big deal about things that have nothing to do with them, and will make ZERO difference in their lives????

  5. As long as they aren't asking the tables around them to join in or louder than normal conversation... to each his own, man.

  6. This is America. If you want to pray over the southwestern buffalo egg rolls that will contribute to your morbid obesity and diabetes, you have every right to do so.

  7. That happens a lot in my area; that's their business and they have every right to pray before they eat.

  8. I would say "God Bless you all." It would not bother me a bit.

    I think it a sad state of affairs when g**s are allowed to slip each other the tongue when they're in public but decent Christians cannot pray--?

  9. be happy for them that hey can pray as a family and are not too proud or self concise to do it in public

    I can not imagine how this could offend anyone

  10. It does not bother me at all and I would not react to it whatsoever.

    I also pray before I eat, but I don't hold hands with my family.

  11. We always pray for our food whether we eat at home or in public, including at work. It would be refreshing for me to see another family do the same.

  12. its called praying over your food my family does it all the time its a thing that familys have before they eat to bless it and if someody did anything to it you wouldnt come to harm simple stuff but you might wana consider doing it sometime


  13. We also do that.  We don't make a scene.  We pray quietly to ourselves.  No one has ever said anything to us about it.  Besides, in the U.S., we are still free to do so.

  14. Great . But what I dont like is to sit down , start eating and have someone nearby start yelling on his cell phone .

  15. good for them

  16. I don't see a problem with that whatsoever!  It's their business, not ours!

  17. I have no problem with it. They have the freedom to do that if they want. It's the United States!!

  18. i'm a waitress and i see this at least 2-3 times a week. it always makes me smile, i think it's heart warming. sometimes i have to stand back for a minute so they can finish, then i refill their drinks for them

  19. I will take a photo .

  20. Not a problem at all........ My family & I do it in public as well as at home. I have always taught my kids to be thankful for their food no matter where their at (because you could be without & hungry). I also advise you never know the impurities within the meal.
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