
Pre-preliminary MIF freeskate?

by Guest33244  |  earlier

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Ok, I am taking a pre-preliminary MIF test tomorrow, and I need help on it. First of all I forgot the order and the moves of the freeskate part. And if anyone has additional hints of how to skate better in the test that would be THE BEST!

thank you sooo much.




  1. The order is easy to remember - #1 (stroking) is a full ice move, #2 (edges) is performed on an axis (usually on a red or blue hockey line), #3 (spirals) is a full ice move and #4 (waltz 8) is performed back on an axis.

    Remember what the focus of each move is: #1 power and extension, #2 edge quality (of course - it's edges),  #3 extension (of course - it's spirals) don't forget to lock both knees, #4 edge quality.

    DO NOT wear a practice dress - wear a nice competition dress.  It doesn't have to be covered in stones, but it should be nicer than a practice dress.  Also, wear more than just a pony tail - do you hair up nice.  When you feel pretty, you skate pretty.

    If you mix up the order, don't let it fluster you, just keep going and do the forgotten move.  One of my skaters did the MIF in the wrong order and still passed - the judge just made a sweet comment to do better next time.  It is, after all, your first experience testing.

  2. its fine if you forgot the order. i would always forget the order and i already passed all my moves tests. after you finish each move you can go over to your coach to disscuss the next move, its assured! i find its great to smile alot and act like you're ready to be there. it assures the judges AND you, that you can do this!

    dont get too freaked out. this is the easiest test out off all of them, and the judges are deffinitely lenient torwards the lower moves tests, they will go easy on you.

    just because its ALMOST  a cakewalk doesnt mean you should slack off. you need to present yourself so there will be no doubt in their mind that you can move forward. just be aware of all of your body parts.

    wear a nice practice dress. dont use a competition dress with all those stones on it. black would be preffered but if you dont have one thats fine.

    if you dont have a practice dress, a skirt would be fine. but dont wear just a plain tee-shirt, wear a plain, long sleeved shirt or 3/4 sleeved shirt.


  3. Ok. Well, since someone already gave you the order and the primary focuses of each, I won't go through them again. Don't be too nervous though, because usually, as long as you know your stuff and do your best, they will let you pass. The judges aren't too picky about the lower levels. Keep a smile on, and have fun on your first moves test!

  4. try looking at they have all the elements of all the tests listed there. good luck (and try not to freak out about it!)

  5. Heyy,

    Try looking on google for the steps and stuff,

    I'm sorry I don't know them yet, I'm almost there, Anyways,

    Don't forget to look graceful, make sure the posture is okayy and DO NOT toe push !

    Good luck ;)


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