
Pregnancy Question - Skiing Please Help?

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Hey guys and gals me and my wife recently found out (by the way of 3 HPT's) that we are pregnant!! Heres the question we are about to go ski-ing at the end of the week. We will be about 3 weeks. Any advice please would be great Thanks Everyone




  1. Depending on her skill level and experience, age and condition other than the pregnancy, it is quite common for many women to ski when pregnant. My wife skied through 8 months, but she was in good condition other than she had her weight too far forward many times.  She was also an expert level and an ex racer.  If your wife is in the early stages of pregnancy, all usual activity is encouraged.  Except for the HPT 3 weeks would not usually be noticed, so the trip would have gone forth and you would not have known about it.  Do ask your physician if there are any extreme risks that you should be aware of.  Also I would suggest she avoid pushing her limits on the most difficult (for her) runs.  Inquire about early term miscarriages,  This might give you more insight.  All in all, if she wants to go skiing, go. Enjoy yourselves, it will be 4-5 years before you are able to do it again this free from diaper bags.  Have fun.

  2. Congratulations!!! Check with the doctor or midwife that you can even fly!!!

  3. Are you in Chile?

    If so you are lucky person. I am ready to ride.

    As for the wife, I wouldn't let her ski.  

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