
Pregnancy Questions needs some advice?

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OK ladies my LMP was on July 23,2008 me and the husband had unprotected s*x during my ovulation time (that was prior to my LMP) I am due for my next period around the 20th of this month. No signs of it yet.

But here is why i am asking stuff I have been eating more the last week or so and had a little more urinating than normal. I'm am more emotional than normal. And nauseated and dizzy. I do have potassium problems due to high blood pressure but i take medicine for it. I have only been taking my potassium pills so i know the high blood pressure medicine is not making me pee more because I havent taken it in the last couple of days.

What could be my chances that I am pregnant. Could it be possible that I had a period in July but I could still be pregnant?

I know I need to get a pregnancy test or go to the doctor but I want advice from people who might have been though this.

I have already taken one pregnancy test and it came back negative.

Last Night after me and the hubby got done making love there was a little blood on his private area ( i know TMI) so i thought i was starting but now there is not blood and nothing. Any ideas




  1. Give it a few more days and if you don't start, test again.  You could be 3 weeks pregnant.  I am also on potassium pills, I have a potassium deficiency.  But you could be pregnant.  Just give it some time, sometimes pregnancy tests won't show positive til your a week late.  

  2. It could be a number of things...however doesn't necessarily mean you are pregnant... i know that just before I start my period every month I eat more and crave more....I just never really noticed it until after I had a baby.  The thirst could be because of the heat...along with the nauzia and dissiness...well....those are actually very common symptoms of diabetes...I know because I went through the same thing.  Just relax...see a doctor, have some blood work done to make sure you are in perfect health...and continue to follow your ovulation calendar if pregancy is your goal.

  3. With my second boy I had a very strong feeling that I was pregnant so I took a test like 5 days before my missed period. It totally came back negative. I waited until the day I was supposed to start & low & behold it was positive! So, give it a few more days & try again. Good Luck!!  

  4. I would give it a little more time to see if you miss your next period or not.  If you miss or are late then test again.  You could very well be pregnant or your body and mind could be playing tricks on you.  When my husband and I were trying, we wanted it so bad and I would get my hopes up each month, and one time I started having pregnancy symptoms, but I was not pregnant.  It was just my mind and body playing tricks on me because I wanted it soooo bad and it was constantly on my mind.

  5. It sounds like there MIGHT be a chance that you are preg., but I doubt thats why your eating and urinating more. The baby wouldnt be causing that until your farther along.The first couple months I spotted after s*x or o****m.

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