
Pregnant after a Tummy Tuck?

by  |  earlier

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ok, two years ago i had a full tummy tuck, abdominal tightening and everything. I didn't expect to get pregnant in February, but i did and i miscarried, leaving us devastated, as we realized we wanted a third child after all.... so my husband and i tried fro this one. Anyway, I'm seven weeks right now, and was just wondering if u have, or know anyone who has gone through this. Will there be enough room for baby to grow? what can i expect? any input greatly appreciated...




  1. Everything is just going to restretch like it would have before the tummy tuck. Since everything is tightened I would be very vigilant about lotion as you will be more apt to stretch marks now.


  3. Oh don't you worry about that baby making room. The baby is just going to destroy your tummy tuck.

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