
Pregnant girlfriend?

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Hi guys. I recently got my 14 year old girlfriend pregnant. I am 17 years old. Neither of us think we're ready for a kid. I really want her to have an abortion and she says she's leaning toward that plan too. But she is having a bit of a doubt... What should we do?




  1. i think she should have an abortion because if she goes through the pregnancy she's going to be so embarassed being pregnant in middle school or whatever. so do abortion not adoption.

  2. Make an appointment with a clinic, like Planned Parenthood.   They can help with the options. She should also tell her parents.

  3. help her plan it all out.

    tell your parents and

    get a method all planned out like on juno or something

    i am 16 and when i was 15 i got pregnant and i kept it and it was the best thing

    but it depends. i think you should both agree on something

    either adoption or keeping it or something

  4. give it up for adoption. abortion is bad for the mother and obviously the baby too. some family will love this child.

  5. no you should not because, you both should have thought about that before you guys had s*x. see that is problem with a lot of young people today, you think that s*x so fun or just something that you do when you are bored but, yet you don't think about the responsibilities or consequences that come with s*x.

    so no i don't think you guys should get a abortion because, once you choose to have s*x you take on the adult responsibilities that come with it, if that is getting condoms or pregnancy or std's or whatever you have to accept that those

    consequences for your actions.

    good luck:)

  6. maybe yall should talk 2 parents

  7. You both can give the baby up for adoption. She would need her parents permission for an abortion. But the best thing you can do is for that baby to give it a life and their are couples out their waiting to adopt a baby.

  8. So I'm pretty sure that you are already under enough stress and you don't need all of these people trying to yell at you, but I am 16 and I have an 8 month old son. You should not let your girlfriend get an abortion. There could be problems for her and it is not a very moral thing to do. I know you probably think that this is all to much to handle, but you had s*x, you knew there was a chance she could get pregnant. But there is no taking that back. And in my opinion I think you just need to know all the options that you do have. Standing up and saying that you do not think you will be a good enough parent is very good, I mean at least you understand that you are not ready. But on the other hand you can not pretend like it never happen. If the mother thinks that she might get to attached by carrying the baby and then giving it up, tell her there is a thing called open adoption where you guys can still see the baby sometimes and the adoptive parents will keep you updated. Hope I can help.


  9. dont go the abortion way... tHAT IS SO WRONG give it up for adoption of try to keep it yourselves. please dont do abortion... please please i beg you.. wrong choice

  10. looolz erm try usin a condom nxt time..... i thought it wud b pretty obv if u dnt want a baby lol ..!! she can always gve it 4 adoption u knoo...and ur old enough to look after the baby im guessin ur a year older than me and evern I can look aftera baby (well, the fake babies..) erm try askin ur prents bout it..??

  11. Put the baby up for adoption

  12. well how far along is she cause you know they is a time limit on them things for killing your child

    Adoption is 100 percent better then the other way as adoption is that it will be taking care of and will not have to suffer the abusive of being aborted

  13. surprisingly to not see people calling you a rapist and pedophile, recently i posted a question about me and my 14 year old gf (i am 18) and almost everyone were calling me a pervert. discuss it with your parents and see what they will tell you

  14. Adoption is always a better choice. The Baby did nothing wrong . It is you and your gf mistake not the kid. Abortion is WRONG!!!

  15. adoption is the only option. You guys shouldn't be having s*x. Ridiculous. You can't take an abortion back. It's murder.

  16. Alright I am not hear to judge you.I was in your shoes at one time too. She is a minor and yes she has to have permission from her parents to get an abortion. Why is she not on b.c? But that is not an option now.You are obviously worried.But you need to be there for her. Doubt yes because it is a big deal.Yes theres adoption or keeping it as well.But you two need to make a decision together and then sit down and explain it to her parents.It wont be easy.But dont be one of those jerks who pressure her to do something. If she does go that route then be there for her. Just understand whatever you decide you have to live with either way. But you all need to be responsible for your actions

  17. its her decision ultamitely because its in her body, no matter her decision, you need to support her in it and dont be the bad guy that leaves cause you created it too. it could also be a lesson for using having protected s*x until your ready for a kid.

  18. well adoption u wont kill n u wont see the baby again n probably it will be happy in a woman's who will love it instead of end up being thrown in the black plastic bag in pieces after the abortion.Hope that helped

  19. Honestly, her body isn't developed enough to have the baby without causing harm to either her or the infant. If you two aren't ready for a baby, abortion could be an option. Make sure you do a very, very early abortion. If she's any more than one month along, consider something else. You two chose to have s*x, so you have to grow up and face the consequences.

    But if she's having serious doubt and thinks she can withstand the pregnancy, please have the baby. While she's pregnant she can become a seragent mother for a family who will adopt the child. Usually, the family pays for the medical expenses and you can get reports and pictures from the child as it grows up.

    I hope you make the decision that will best suit the health of both mother and child. And, STOP HAVING s*x WITH MINORS. 14 year olds don't know any better, even if you think they do.

  20. Have the bby, then if you still think u dont want it then give it for adoption

  21. tell your parents

  22. Well you can always give it up for adoption which I think both of you would feel better about. At least i would. I think that you guys are really young. especially her. but im sure you dont want to be hearing that. If she decides to stay pregnant.. i think you should really try to be there for her. Its just as important taking care of a pregnant girl as a new born baby.

    But ultimately its your decison. Do what you think is best for you and your girlfriend.

    best of luck to you both.

  23. you need to let her know you'll support her whatever decision she makes. abortion will be a burnden shell have forever on her shoulders. shell be alot more frightened than you. if youre not ready to be a parent you should have concidered that before hand, but now you have to grow up and face up to your responsabilitys, whatever she chooses to do. dont listen to people that say abortion is murder. its a personal choice. just make sure she makes the right decision for her and the baby. even if it will make things difficult for you, for both of you. just look after her.
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