
Pregnant high schoolers vs. college?

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how come we always hear about high schoolers (as young as 13,14) getting pregnant but we rarely ever hear about a college girl getting pregnant? is it because there are clinics in the college that provide birth control?




  1. I think that those high schoolers are extremely niave and careless.  They aren't thinking about their futures and make really dumb mistakes.  College kids are like this too, but maybe they just get it a little more.  Also, most people consider college students a little more on the "adult" side, so it isn't as shocking when they become parents. High schoolers, though, are supposed to be so young and innocent that it still shocks society when we hear about the increasing number of pregnancies.

  2. No, it's because high schoolers are children, college students are adults.

  3. Those of us who were dumb enough to get pregnant in high school aren't likely to get to college! I was lucky I only had 1 kid. When he was old enough to go school, I was able to go to college.

  4. There possibly are clinics at the college level that help in the way you mentioned.In my opinion,the reason you hear of more high schoolers(age 13 &14) than college girls being pregnant is that 13 & 14 year old high schoolers are not old enough & trained enough to realize how to keep from getting pregnant.College girls have lived through most of the high school problems & have learned to respect & use the birth control methods available to them.

  5. No, it's beacause it's such a shock when a CHILD gets pregnant, but not that big a deal when a grown WOMAN gets pregnant.

    Did that help?

  6. Because a college student is generally an adult. It is considered legal for them to have s*x. It's not so taboo for them to have a child at that point in their life. It is also because these girls aren't in public K-12 anymore. It is sad that it should happen at such a young age, but it becomes less "gossip" when the girl is an adult in college than a child in high school or junior high. They are presumed to be "responsible adults".

  7. Here's hoping... that they don't "buy into every lie they hear"...

    And that they are smart enough not to put their self into

    precarious  positions in the first place....

    and that they are actually abstaining!

    That would be a wise way to go for a college student to go!!!

  8. i don't really know. soz

  9. The 13 and 14 year olds had under-age s*x and then can't avoid their parents finding and they generally freak out. That sort of thing is newsworthy.

    College students are adults usually living away from home so if they do get pregnant and want a termination they can do it and never even tell their parents. If they go on and have the baby, well they're adults so it's not newsworthy anyway.

  10. No, it's because the media freaks out over minors getting pregnant/having s*x, but usually if you're in college, you're a legal adult, so it doesn't matter much to the media.

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